Jesus said ‘You are the Light of the World’ … may the Church of God embrace the call to Mission and shine with the Light of Divine Love, guide with the Light of Christ’s Truth and heal with the Light of the Father’s Compassion

                                    [READER]               SHINE UPON US, LORD…
[Response]            With the Light of Your Love

Jesus said ‘You are the Salt of the Earth’ … may men and women of goodness everywhere salt the earth with peace to heal the wars and bring all discrimination to an end, salt the land with reverence to heal the pollution, salt the nations with justice to heal the poverty: we pray especially for the peoples of Idlib in Syria, all the Middle East, Cameroon and Central Africa

                                    [READER]               SHINE UPON US, LORD…

Jesus said ‘Do not hide your Light’ … for our parish community that we will root out all discrimination, racism and tribalism from our hearts,  that we might all work for a greater unity among us and witness more effectively to our Inner City as a parish in mission: we pray especially for the SVP, the Parish anti-Slavery Group the Wild Goose Café, One25 organisation, our Borderlands Charity and the Churches’ Winter Night Shelter Project

                                      [READER]               SHINE UPON US, LORD…

Through the prophet Isaiah God says, ‘Share your bread with the hungry and shelter the homeless poor, then will your light shine like the dawn’ … we pray for the hungry, poor and homeless on our streets, especially those who come to our Food Bank and destitute seekers of asylum … may our faithfulness to our Covenant with the Poor be a Light for at least some of them

                                    [READER]               SHINE UPON US, LORD…

St Paul writes ‘My only knowledge is about Jesus and him crucified’ … we pray God’s blessing for all our children and their families preparing to meet the crucified Christ in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist and our young people soon to be Confirmed in the Holy Spirit: may all our families be communities of mission sharing the wonder of Jesus with the world 

                                    [READER]               SHINE UPON US, LORD…

We pray for all who bear the hardships of illness and depression, and for all who care for them; we pray also for …  for those who have died recently,  in particular … and victims of knife crime and racial attacks
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:  

                                    [READER]               SHINE UPON US, LORD…

 Mary, Mother of the Church and Mother of all peoples, pray with us for a world free of all forms of discrimination and racism, a world where are welcomed and valued


Let us pray in a moment of silence

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