PRIEST: We celebrate today the Feast of Holiness – our call and our destiny to be a people of the Spirit, a people of holiness. All the Saints, those known and those unknown, those raised to the Altars of the Church, and those whom we have known in our lives and our parish family: all the saints are given to us to help us on our journey of holiness. Rejoicing as we do in all the ‘ordinary’ people who have loved’, we seek forgiveness and mercy that we may journey to Christ with them…
READER: Holiness is about being thoroughly human:
for the ways we have been inhuman and insensitive to each other…
Holiness is about loving with one’s whole being:
for the ways we have avoided the challenge and the pain
of loving too much
Holiness is about welcoming the mercy of God
in the midst of our weakness:
for failing to forgive or be forgiven
PRIEST: May the God of Holiness fill us with His Peace,
may the God of Life embrace our every wound with His mercy,
may the God of our Humanity set us free
to find happiness in holiness;
and bring us all with the Saints to everlasting life