A Statement of Belief
Side A
We believe in God, Who is Love, creating all things in an
explosion of love and affirming that everything and everyone
created is very good. We believe that God has created each one
of us without exception in the Divine image and likeness.
Side B
Therefore, we commit ourselves to recognising that we all share our
deepest identity as Children of God. We rejoice with gratitude in the
rich diversity of all creation and the diverse identities of all human
Side A
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Immanuel who reveals a God who
walks lovingly with us in our human condition and in all the
struggles we encounter in life’s pilgrimage. He listens to the cries
of every human heart for acceptance and love.
Side B
Therefore, we commit ourselves to making real His love for every
human person of whatever identity, to walk alongside each other with
compassion and care, protecting each other from all harm and
Side A
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the life-giver, the love-maker, the
source of all unity and community. We believe that we are each a
dwelling place of this Holy Spirit of God’s loving and that there is
no genuine love that is not Divine and Holy.
Side B
Therefore, we commit ourselves to respect and to understand the
different paths to holiness and love that the Holy Spirit calls each of
us to walk; and we will support each other as we journey together as
a gifted people of Mission.
Side A
We believe that the Church is the Body of Christ, a Pilgrim
People, a Sacrament of Christ’s loving presence in the world, a
Universal community of welcome for all people of every kind of
Side B
Therefore we commit ourselves to building the Church as One, Holy,
Catholic and Apostolic – One family where we all belong equally; a
Holy People where all help each other grow in the Holiness of loving;
a truly Universal community where all humanity know they can
flourish in their uniqueness and diversity; a community of Apostles and
Prophets where each has the right and responsibility to speak their
voice, to proclaim the Gospel, to serve the Kingdom and to protect
the human dignity of every person in every place.
All Together: As we believe, so may we live. Amen!