‘We will make our home in you …’ says Jesus – may the People of the Resurrection so love the Risen Lord that we will experience him alive within us, and reaching out into the world through our communities
[Response] Come make your home with us…
‘Peace I leave you…’ says Jesus – may the cries of the world’s victims of war be heard at last, may peace reign upon the earth: we pray for the peoples of Syria and Yemen, Afghanistan, Palestine and Central Africa; we pray also for the thousands of unaccompanied child refugees in Europe and pray for a change of heart in our government who refuses to welcome them
‘I go to send you another Advocate, the Holy Spirit…’ says Jesus – may we open our hearts and lives to the Spirit’s gift, grow to know God more profoundly, abandon ourselves to Divine Love, and touch the world in the Spirit’s Power of Loving
The First Council of the Church welcomed the newcomers who brought many challenges and changes – we pray for the Unity of God’s Church, the openness of Christians to a new world and new generations, for a Church that belongs to young people; we pray for especially for the Little Sisters of Jesus and the many fraternities of Bl Charles de Foucauld as they live the mission of hidden and simple loving
‘Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid’ says Jesus – may we support with renewed generosity the life and mission of our parish community by our giving of prayer, time, energy and money, in service of the Kingdom: we pray too for God’s guidance for our nations as its politics is in chaos, that the Common Good and values of the Kingdom of God may come to the fore and the cries of the poor be heard above all else.
‘I give you a Peace the world cannot give…’ says Jesus – for the courageous doctors and nurses of Medecins sans Frontiere as the bring healing into war zones; for all in need of healing and peace in our parish, especially….
for the eternal life of all who have died recently, especially all killed in the world’s war zones and on refugee journeys in hope of freedom;
we pray also for all whose anniversaries occur at this time
Let us ask Mary, overshadowed by the Spirit, to pray with us for a New Pentecost…
We pray in the silence of God’s Loving for other needs….