For 173 years, the Eucharist has been the centre of our parish’s life, community and mission: may this celebration of the Breaking of the Bread heal our brokenness, deepen our love for Christ Jesus, bind us together in life-giving community and empower our mission to be Good News to the Poor

                  [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                  [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas broke the Bread of the Eucharist at the Table of the Lord; and broke bread with poor of his society: may we and the whole Church rededicate ourselves to translating our love for the Christ we meet in the Eucharist into as deep a love for the Christ we meet in the Poor

                  [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                  [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas preached the Gospel and broke the Bread of the Word for the people of Tolentino, drawing many to Christ: having received the Gospel from generations past may we find new ways of passing on the Gift of the Living Word of God to our young people so that they will shape the church moving into the future

                  [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                  [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

Throughout these past 173 years our parish has received migrants who have come to our shores and our city: may the whole Church be truly ‘Catholic’ where ‘all are welcome’ – a home to peoples of every race, language and culture, a world-wide community building bridges between peoples, struggling for justice and equality for the most marginalised and ridding the world of all forms of human trafficking and modern slavery

                  [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                  [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

Giving thanks for our past years of mission and looking forward with hope to the years to come, we pray for a renewed vision of the 21st Century Church of mission and healing, growing in communion with all creation; may we listen to the cries of the Earth and the cries of the poor, build healing bridges uniting many cultures, races, identities and faiths, caring together for the poor and the excluded near and far 

                  [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                  [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

That all our children and young people baptised and confirmed in the past year will grow up to care for the poorest, respecting people of all races, cultures and sexual orientation and valuing our multi-racial society; that opposing all racial violence and every form of prejudice, our schools and colleges will rejoice in the diversity of our one Human Race

                  [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                  [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas was called gifted by God to bring healing to the sick and the poor: for all wounded in mind and heart by abuse, injustice and poverty; we pray also for …
St Nicholas prayed deeply for the dead: we pray for …  and for those killed by war and conflict, poverty and oppression;
we pray also for all the faithful departed of our parish in its 173 years history and for … whose anniversaries are at this time

                  [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
                  [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

Mary, Mother of all the abandoned ones, help us to recognise Jesus in every person….

                                                     HAIL MARY…

We pray in silence for God’s empowerment of our parish family in service and mission…


PRIEST: Jesus confronts his disciples with a decision:  will they trust him,  follow him,  reproduce his love;  or will they follow their own flawed logic and go their own way?  And the Eucharist crystallises this eternal challenge.  Our Eucharist demands a similar decision:  will we live the Eucharist that we celebrate, following Jesus always, living a Pilgrimage of Trust;  or will we resist the implications of today’s Eucharist  – living by faith in His Word and struggling for justice, freedom and sacrificial love?

READER:              When we say ‘no’ to the challenges
                                   of being faithful to Christ and his Gospel…

                                                          LORD HAVE MERCY …

When we are selective about what demands of Christ
                                   we are willing to accept,
                                   and what we avoid…

                                                          CHRIST HAVE MERCY …

When we listen to the shallow wisdom of the world,
                                   to the narrow confines of ‘common sense’
                                   and do not risk listening to One who has words of eternal life…

                                                          LORD HAVE MERCY …

PRIEST:              May the God of peace touch us with mercy,
                                 still our questioning hearts with tranquillity,
                                 embrace our broken lives with healing and forgiveness,
                                 and bring us all to everlasting life…



Mary points the People of God to the Glory of Christ:  may we always reflect the wonder of our Risen Saviour to a world in need of a vision of glory and humanity…
                                   [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary, faithful Daughter of Zion, shines with peace to a world wounded by conflicts:  as war rages in Afghanistan, and remembering the criminal devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Atomic destruction, we pray for peace and disarmament throughout the world; but in particular in Mary’s land of Israel and Palestine, and for the people of Afghanistan;  we pray also for all women who are abused in war zones and oppressed by vicious ideologies – raise up political leaders with the courage to serve the peace of the their people and our world

                                   [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary, the exalted poor one, ‘illuminates the dignity and rights of the human person’  (as St Oscar Romero taught) as she challenges us in the Magnificat to raise up the poor and powerless:  that the impoverished and oppressed be at the centre of our mission;  that the homeless,  the unemployed,  those rejected and discriminated against because of race, gender or sexual orientation will know their dignity; that those seeking safe asylum will find hope and encouragement in us and in Mary the Refugee

                                   [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary embraces all whom Jesus gives her to love:  we pray for those with special needs,  learning difficulties and for all whose gifts are not valued; we pray too on this Feast of the Woman clothed in the sun for all women whose equality is not recognised and whose dignity is not respected in Church and State alike

                                   [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary walks as a Pilgrim among her poor people: we pray for all who journey the spiritual search – may they embrace faith’s path of questioning, pondering and searching; we pray that having celebrated the Feasts of St Maximilian Kolbe and St Edith Stein, the martyrs of Auschwicz we will continue to keep the memory of Holocaust and genocides alive, that they be never repeated

                                   [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary is the faithful servant of Christ’s Healing: we pray for all who are depressed and are without hope; for all whose past wounds and imprisons them; for those suffering from Covid around the world and for all who are sick and housebound: …
As we celebrate Mary’s Resurrection, we pray eternal life for …, all victims of the Haiti Earthquake, the shooting in Plymouth, and the war in Afghanistan;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time

                                   [reader]                   LORD WE PRAY…
                                   [response]             SHINE YOUR GLORY UPON US…

Mary, Assumed into Heaven, pray with us for equality between women and men, and for the poor and oppressed of the world… 


We pray for other needs in a moment of silence…

Nineteenth Sunday of the Year B

‘I am the Living Bread come down from Heaven’ … that the Church may faithfully bring Jesus Bread of Life to the world by true preaching of the Gospel, by worship that reflects our lives of love and by our life-giving communities

                           [READER]                     JESUS, BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [Response]                   Give us that Bread always…

‘The Bread that I shall give is My Flesh, for the life of the world’ … that our world will not sacrifice more flesh on the altars of power and greed, war and terrorism: that peace rooted in justice will finally come to Afghanistan, the Middle East, Yemen, Cameroon and Central Africa and the hearts of all who resort to war and terror will be converted to peace

                           [READER]                     JESUS, BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [Response]                   Give us that Bread always…

Elijah said to the Lord, ‘I have had enough – take my life’ and the Lord fed him with  bread of hope … for all who despair of justice, despair of being heard with compassion, despair of finding safe refuge: may we be a community of hope and life-giving, healing their despairs – we pray for migrants risking their lives to find freedom, that they will be treated with humanity by our government and the governments of Europe

                           [READER]                     JESUS, BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [Response]                   Give us that Bread alw

‘Follow Christ by loving as he loved you’ … for those baptised today, and for all our children and young people that they will catch the adventure of faith in Christ, discover how deeply the Lord loves them and rejoice to love Him with their whole heart; for all young people receiving exam results at this time that they will know their value far exceeds any exam results!

                           [READER]                     JESUS, BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [Response]                   Give us that Bread always…

The Lord said to Elijah, ‘Get up and eat or the journey will be too long for you’ … may each of us come to value the Mass more day by day and take every opportunity to come and be nourished by Bread of the Word and Bread of the Eucharist – may more come to share our weekday Masses

                           [READER]                     JESUS, BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [Response]                   Give us that Bread always…

May the Broken Bread bring healing and wholeness to God’s beloved people, especially …;
for those who have died recently especially …, and all victims of Covid and poverty
for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                           [READER]                     JESUS, BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [Response]                   Give us that Bread always…

Mary, who gave us Jesus the Living Bread, pray with us, pray for us, bring us peace…
                                                                     HAIL MARY…

Let us pray silently for the unknown needs of all …

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

That the Church of Christ may seek to glorify God by listening to the Master, proclaiming hope and humanity to all, and building a Kingdom of Justice and Peace in our world

               [reader:]               LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
               [response:]         AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

For the Peace of the world and a global commitment to Nuclear disarmament, and on this tragic Anniversary of the dropping of the Atom Bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, we pray that the nations will find sanity and never again threaten destruction of our world and mass murder of our people

               [reader:]               LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
               [response:]         AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

That in our parish and diocese we may build on the witness and vision of St Pope Paul VI, whose anniversary is today…that his life’s work of the renewal and transformation of the Church may be embraced with renewed vigour and courage – we pray for Pope Francis as he seeks the reform of the Church by revitalising the vision of the Second Vatican Council.

               [reader:]               LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
               [response:]         AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

For peoples everywhere, but especially in the developing world, struggling with the Covid pandemic and in particular for the people of Yemen and Tigray in Ethiopia as war, famine and disease are multiplied: that their tragedy may be transfigured into miracles of peace;  that world leaders will act together for peace and humanity and to combat the Virus 

               [reader:]               LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
               [response:]         AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

That the healing ministry of our parish may grow, that we might become truly God’s Field Hospital, that the broken and hurting may find hope and wholeness, and discover the glory of God within them as they come alive

               [reader:]               LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
               [response:]         AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

That the sick, wounded and broken of heart, mind and body may find their wounds transfigured into wholeness – we pray especially all suffering from Covid 19
for those who have died recently: for … and all who have died in the many conflicts wounding our world;
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time, remembering all those killed in the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:  

               [reader:]               LORD, REVEAL YOUR GLORY…
               [response:]         AND SPEAK YOUR WORD TO US

Mary, One who glorified God in all things, pray with us for the peace of the world and for the wisdom and courage to tackle Global Warming
                                                 HAIL MARY…

We pray in the presence of God’s Glory for all human need…


‘I will rain down bread for you … My Son, Jesus, the Bread of God’ … As we prepare for the Global Church’s Two Year Synod, we pray that the Catholic community everywhere will always be challenged and formed by the Eucharist around which we gather and by which we are nourished – and so become the Community of God’s loving mercy

                                       [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]            Give us that Bread always…

God heard the cries of hunger among his people … we pray for the coming of the Kingdom of Justice so that we will share the Bread of the Earth equally with all the Children of the Earth and banish hunger, famine and poverty 

                                       [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]            Give us that Bread always…

‘I am the Bread of Life – all who believe in me will never thirst!’ … we pray for all peoples who thirst for a life of freedom, peace and justice, especially in Zimbabwe, Palestine/Israel, Afghanistan, Mali, Yemen and Cameroon; and may all who know such freedom and peace use it wisely in the service of the poor

                                       [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]            Give us that Bread always…

‘Your mind must be renewed by a spiritual revolution, putting on your new self’ … may each of us come to value the Mass more day by day and take every opportunity to come and be nourished by Bread of the Word and Bread of the Eucharist – may more want to come and share our weekday Masses and times of Adoration: we pray especially for Eliot and Hiro who receive the Eucharist for the first time today and for our new catechumens

                                       [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]            Give us that Bread always…

‘Work for the food that endures for eternal life’ … may God lead us as a parish to work more effectively to give life and hope to the marginalised, the poor, the homeless, the refugee and the asylum seeker – may we challenge our rich society by echoing the voice of the poor, especially our migrant sisters and brothers and all suffering from benefit cuts

                                       [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]            Give us that Bread always…

‘The Bread of Life that heals’… we pray that the Broken Bread that is Jesus will bring healing and wholeness to God’s people strengthening us to protect all life from the womb to the grave, treating our elderly with reverence and care; we pray especially for …;
for those who have died recently especially …; and for all  the victims of Covid, war and violence, starvation and poverty
for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                                       [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]            Give us that Bread always…

Mary, who gave us the Jesus the Bread of God, pray with us for the peace of the world… 

                                                                          HAIL MARY…

Let us pray silently for other needs, particularly for those who care for the vulnerable …

Sixteenth Sunday of the Year B

‘The apostles rejoined Jesus and shared all they had done in His power’ … may all Christians embrace the challenge to be apostles and shepherds in our modern world, placing the mission of the Gospel before all else, reaching out to all with Jesus’ love 

                                       [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]                  Teach us your compassion…

‘They were like sheep without a shepherd’ … for all those in our society who do not heed the  call of God, who seek meaning in life everywhere but in Christ: may they find in Him a true shepherd who will lead them to a life worth living

                                       [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]                  Teach us your compassion…

‘In his own person he killed the hostility, and made us one’ writes St Paul … that the  leaders of nations, liberation movements and terror organisations everywhere might listen to the cries of the innocent ones and turn their faces against war and build a miracle of peace instead: we pray in particular for the peoples of the Middle East and Cameroon

                                       [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]                  Teach us your compassion…

‘You must come away to some lonely place’ … that we might all hear the call to prayer and reflection so that our action will be rooted in our prayer, and our prayer rooted in action to build a better world … that we might all grow in contemplation and peace

                                       [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]                  Teach us your compassion…

The Lord has created us a ‘New Man’, a New Creation … we pray for our children and young people, our teachers and school staff and all our families as the summer holidays begin, that the weeks to come will be a time of refreshment and restoration, a time of joy and fun – and that all children will be safe and happy during these days 

                                       [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]                  Teach us your compassion…

We pray healing and freedom for the sick of our community, especially …;
for all who have died recently especially …, and all killed in the Rhione valley floods and the victims of violence and terrorism around the world
for all whose anniversaries are at this time …

                                       [READER]                     LORD WE PRAY…
                                       [Response]                  Teach us your compassion…

Mary, Star of the Sea, pray with us for all who serve their world as sea men and women, protecting them from exploitation and unjust practices of employment…

                                                                                HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in the silence for other needs…

First Eucharist Sunday

Jesus gives us the Bread of his love:   may all Christians grow in deeper love for Jesus and for one another as we share Him and meet Him in the Eucharist Sunday by Sunday; that the Church everywhere will joyfully break bread with the poor of the world 

                           [READER:]                           JESUS BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [response:]                          HOLD US IN YOUR LOVE…

Jesus gives us the Cup of his Joy:   may we find joy in sharing our journeys,  our moments of happiness and moments of sadness,  and give each other strength by our friendship: we pray especially for all our parish family as we seek to be missionary disciples of Christ

                           [READER:]                           JESUS BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [response:]                          HOLD US IN YOUR LOVE…

Jesus gives us the Bread of his Unity:  may our children always stay close to Jesus who loves them and comes to them today: for the children or our parish family and all children receiving Jesus for the first time in the Eucharist in these days … may these our children, their parents and their catechists find deep joy in sharing Jesus’ love

                           [READER:]                           JESUS BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [response:]                          HOLD US IN YOUR LOVE…

Jesus gives us the Cup of his Compassion:  may we all have compassion upon the poor and starving of our world,  so that no child be without food, or home, or love, especially in those parts of Africa where there is poverty, hunger and conflict, and in the Middle East and wherever there are wars

                           [READER:]                           JESUS BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [response:]                          HOLD US IN YOUR LOVE…

Jesus gives us the Bread of his Life:  may we give the life of Jesus that we receive in the Eucharist to our families,  our neighbourhoods,  our city and our world: we pray especially for our sisters and brothers who come to our foodbank or are seeking safe sanctuary and refuge among us

                           [READER:]                           JESUS BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [response:]                          HOLD US IN YOUR LOVE…

Jesus gives us the Bread and Cup of his healing:  may we reach out to the sick with love and understanding – for the sick and elderly of our parish, especially …;
we pray for all who have died recently, in particular …, those killed in the floods along the Rhine and victims of Covid everywhere;
we remember all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                           [READER:]                           JESUS BREAD OF LIFE…
                           [response:]                          HOLD US IN YOUR LOVE…

We ask Mary to share our joy,  to bless all our First Eucharist children and their families

                                                                                HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for the needs of all children of our parish in a moment of silence…

Fifteenth Sunday of the Year B

Jesus sent the Apostles to preach and heal in His Name:   we pray for Pope Francis, Bishop Declan and all our bishops throughout the world – may they know the power of the Spirit in their ministry and proclaim the Christ whose love heals the world

                          [READER]                   LORD WE HEAR YOUR CALL…             
                          [Response]                 Send us in Your Love…

‘Go away, Prophet – this is the national temple!’:  we pray God will raise up many prophets of peace, of equality and of justice to speak truth to power and to challenge the leaders and nations of our world to ‘listen to the Cries of the Earth, the Cries of the Poor’

                          [READER]                   LORD WE HEAR YOUR CALL…             
                          [Response]                 Send us in Your Love…

‘He sent the Twelve out in pairs’:  called and sent as missionary disciples, may all Christians and we in our parish heed the call of Christ, accept the mission of Christ, and go the world in all its pain and hope in the name of Christ

                          [READER]                   LORD WE HEAR YOUR CALL…             
                          [Response]                 Send us in Your Love…

‘They set off to preach, to cast out demons and to anoint the sick and heal them’: along with Christians of every tradition, peoples of every faith and all women and men of good will, may we share Gospel freedom with our people, be Good News to the Poor, cast out every evil of discrimination and prejudice, injustice and inequality, and bring healing to all who have been abused or tortured

                          [READER]                   LORD WE HEAR YOUR CALL…             
                          [Response]                 Send us in Your Love…

‘Before the world was made He chose us in Christ to be holy’:  we pray God’s continued outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all our parish community, especially our First Eucharist children and families – that each of us will live the holiness of Christ’s loving in the every day of our real lives and struggles : equip us and our families better for mission to witness to the live-giving Gospel

                          [READER]                   LORD WE HEAR YOUR CALL…             
                          [Response]                 Send us in Your Love…

The Apostles anointed the sick and healed them’ … We pray healing for all suffering from Covid and all health-care staff throughout the world; and for the sick of our community, especially… 
for those who have died recently especially … and all refugees who have perished on the journey to freedom
for all whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular …

                          [READER]                   LORD WE HEAR YOUR CALL…             
                          [Response]                 Send us in Your Love…

Mary, Queen of Mission, pray with us for the couple married yesterday here at St Nicks and for our children receiving their First Eucharist next Sunday…

                                                                     HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in the silence for other needs…

Fourteenth Sunday of the Year B

Jesus the Prophet is rejected by his own people … we pray that the Church of Christ will always listen to the words of the Prophets among us, pointing the way to new beginnings and greater faithfulness to the Gospel – may we share God’sPreferential Option for the Poor and marginalised, walk alongside them bringing them hope in the power of Jesus

                                           [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]            Be our strength…

For the prophets of our world, who live by the vision of a world made new, a world of peace, a world of justice, a world where all creation is respected and cherished ..  may we help their divine vision for our world become the reality of peace, justice and care for our fragile earth: we pray that Pope Francis’s Encyclical, ‘Laudato Si’ may be heeded and lead to effective and sustainable action to heal the planet as we prepare for the Glasgow Climate Change Conference    

                                           [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]            Be our strength…

St Paul struggled with weakness all his life and so became powerful with the Gospel among the nations … may we accept our weakness and discover the call of God to go ever deeper in the Divine Love: may our society always value the gifts of those who live with challenging disabilities

                                           [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]            Be our strength…

We pray for an end to food poverty in our land and throughout the world; that the scandal of 4 million children in UK being raised in poverty will be urgently addressed with vision and courage and that we Christians will live our Prophetic calling in action and words

                                           [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]            Be our strength…

Jesus was glad to be known as a carpenter and son of a carpenter: we pray for all struggling to find work, for those on poor pay or zero hours contracts, for all the unemployed, for all trafficked and enslaved workers and for brothers and sisters seeking safe asylum whom our government forbid their human right to work

                                           [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]            Be our strength…

Despite their lack faith Jesus still healed some in his hometown, so we pray with ever grateful confidence, for the sick and housebound, especially …;
for those recently dead, especially Deacon David Wakefield, Mgr Richard Twomey, … and for all victims of Covid
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time,

                                           [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…
                                           [Response]            Be our strength…

Mary, Mother and Prophet of the Poor, pray with us for the children baptised today and help us to challenge a world that keeps so many poor
                                                                            HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in the silence for other needs…