Feast of the Holy Family

Jesus in the midst of the Holy Family teaches us that the Church is called to be a family of love and faith, safeguarding life and sharing compassion … may the Church always live the challenge of being family in Christ

               [reader:]               LORD WE PRAY …
               [response:]        Teach us how to love …

The Holy Family of Bethlehem were homeless, persecuted, refugees and exiles … we pray for all families exiled from their homeland,  for refugees fleeing war and violence which destroy life and the respect for life, for those seeking safe asylum in our land, for the millions of unaccompanied child refugees throughout the world; we pray too for all parents forcibly separated from their partners or children: may they be protected and find peace and stability

               [reader:]               LORD WE PRAY …
               [response:]        Teach us how to love …

We pray for the work of the CCS Adoption Society, asking God’s blessing as they seek to find good and safe homes for our most vulnerable children: may the Spirit work in the hearts of many families to encourage them to consider adoptive parenthood and fostering

               [reader:]               LORD WE PRAY …
               [response:]        Teach us how to love …

In a world of broken relationships and shattered dreams, we dare still to believe in love: so we pray for all families in all their diversity and challenges: for single parent families,  for all whose hopes for love have ended in divorce or separation,  for all children hurt by the break-up of parents … may they all experience healing and the hope of new beginnings

               [reader:]               LORD WE PRAY …
               [response:]        Teach us how to love …

We pray for all organisations that support marriage and the family, for those who offer counselling and healing for life’s wounds: for Marriage Encounter and Catholic Marriage Care, for Relate and the Association of Separated and Divorced Catholics,; we pray too for the ministry to our LBGT+ community and for all whose sexual orientation lead them to other forms of family life – may we be a Church of Mercy and Welcome bringing hope and healing to those who feel excluded by the Church

               [reader:]               LORD WE PRAY …
               [response:]        Teach us how to love …

The Holy Family of Nazareth reveals to us God’s school of love:  we pray for all for Christian families that they may discover Christ and risk living his ideal of faithfulness and tenderness in their homes;  we pray for all the families of our parish and throughout the City,  that we may teach each other how to be truly human

               [reader:]               LORD WE PRAY …
               [response:]        Teach us how to love …

The sick, the elderly and the dying deserve special care and respect from families and the world of medicine – as we give thanks and pray for nurses, doctors and researchers who treat all people with dignity and with reverence for Life during this Covid pandemic; we pray for …
for those who have died recently, especially Fr Louis Beasley-Suffolk, … and all victims of Covid 19 and the many conflict afflicting our world at this time
and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time, in particular …

               [reader:]               LORD WE PRAY …
               [response:]        Teach us how to love …

Mary and Joseph,  pray with us for the peace and stability of the peoples of our troubled world …

                                                  HAIL MARY …

We pray in a moment of silence for all the families of the world…


Jesus was born in the dark of the night,  enlightened by the glory of the angels … may Christians everywhere so love in the power of Jesus that we may  give all creation the light of hope for a new humanity to dawn upon our hurting Earth 

                [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                [response:]               Fill our world with Peace

Jesus was born as Angels cry out for peace on earth … may peoples of every land resist all cries for war, and instead build a future of Peace:  may the Prince of Peace be with the Palestinian and Jewish peoples of the Land of Jesus’ birth; for miracles of peace throughout the Middle East, Yemen, and Cameroon, Burundi and Central Africa; that war will be averted in the Ukraine; and all peoples be assured justice and freedom

                [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                [response:]               Fill our world with Peace

Jesus was born homeless and poor in the stable … we pray for the 80 million refugees around the world; may we build a nation that ensures the dignity of decent housing and wages to every family, where there is room for the stranger, the refugee and those seeking safe asylum; may we build a world no longer divided between rich and poor; may we  build people of hope, healing and new life – we pray especially for all working in refugee camps around the world this Christmas while the Covid Pandemic rages

                [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                [response:]               Fill our world with Peace

Jesus was comforted and warmed by the Ox and Donkey … may we learn to be at one with our good earth and all creatures, no longer abusing our environment, but reverencing the divine creation, and healing our Mother Earth from the ravages of Climate Warming

                [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                [response:]               Fill our world with Peace

Some 2000 years ago, Jesus was welcomed by the poor shepherds … may we find Jesus always in the world of the poor, discovering him as he walks the streets of our Inner City and among those queuing at Food Banks:  may the people among whom we live find in Jesus the Good News of great joy that will give new meaning and purpose to their lives

                [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                [response:]               Fill our world with Peace

For the sick and housebound, for the elderly, isolated and lonely, for those struggling with Covid and terminal illness:  for our Health and Care workers serving all suffering from Covid during the Christmas season, and also …
for all who have died recently:  Fr Louis Beasley-Suffolk, … all who have died during this Pandemic and those who have perished because of war and violence around the world;
for all whose Christmas is shadowed by the memory of a loved ones anniversary, as we pray for  …

                [READER:]              WORD MADE FLESH…
                [response:]               Fill our world with Peace

Mary and Joseph,  teach us to wonder at the love that is Jesus, and pray with us for the peace of our world


Let us bring the cries of humanity and of our own hearts to the new-born King…

Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C

God and humanity meet in the Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth:  may the Church of Christ with profound faith offer the space for God and humanity always to meet, that God’s saving love and freedom might spring up from the earth

                   [READER:]     HEAR US WE PRAY…
                   [response]     WE COME TO DO YOUR WILL

Insignificant Bethlehem gives birth to the Messiah:  may no one be counted insignificant or of little value; may the small and poor nations of the Earth be treated with equal dignity as the rich and powerful nations;  may the work of the United Nations help all to value each in a realm of peace

                   [READER:]     HEAR US WE PRAY…
                   [response]     WE COME TO DO YOUR WILL

The Visitation holds rich promise for all peoples:  that the Palestinian and Jewish Peoples will find a new path forward that will bring peace rather than endless ethnic conflict to the Land that Jews, Christians and Moslems revere as Holy; that the pain of the children of Afghanistan and Yemen will be truly heard and seen, so that the international community will aid these stricken nations, and so save millions from starvation

                   [READER:]     HEAR US WE PRAY…
                   [response]     WE COME TO DO YOUR WILL

‘Of all women you are most blessed’: as God chooses a woman to carry all human hope and woman to give birth to infinite love in the world, may all women know they are valued, reverenced with the dignity of equality in both church and society; may the Global Synod deal effectively with inequalities in the Church and may all women who have known abuse in their lives be gently healed

                   [READER:]     HEAR US WE PRAY…
                   [response]     WE COME TO DO YOUR WILL

May the re-telling of the timeless story of Jesus’ birth in all its simplicity and depth bring many to hear afresh the Good News of God’s immense love, and be converted to Christ,  to humanity and to love: we pray especially for all our children and young people

                   [READER:]     HEAR US WE PRAY…
                   [response]     WE COME TO DO YOUR WILL

Jesus is the promise of wholeness and healing:  may all mothers who carry a child in their womb know security and peace;  may the sick find hope and healing especially during this escalating pandemic;  we pray for the housebound of our parish and those who will spend Christmas in hospital or seriously ill, in particular …
that those who have died recently be raised to eternal life, in particular Fr Nicholas Tranter, Fr Louis Beasley-Suffolk, … and all those who have died of Covid or in war, conflict or the refugee flight to safety
may those whose anniversaries are at this time know eternal light:

                   [READER:]     HEAR US WE PRAY…
                   [response]     WE COME TO DO YOUR WILL

Mary,  faithful bearer of the Coming of God,  pray with us, especially for God’s Blessing upon all women who carry a child in their womb at this time.. 


We wait upon the Coming of the Saviour in a moment of silence…

Fourth Sunday of Advent Year C -‘Gaudete’ or ‘Rejoicing’ Sunday

That all God’s People will welcome John the Baptist’s challenge to conversion to the paths of justice;  that we might give the world the witness of a joy that none can take from us – the joy of of being Good News to the Poor and yearning for Jesus our fulfilment

                [READER:]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                [response:]                You are our joy…

That the world of exploitation and intimidation will respond to the preaching of John and walk the way of sharing, peacemaking and empowering; that peace with justice may come soon in the whole Middle East region, in Central Africa, Cameroon and Tigray/Ethiopia and in the many theatres of conflict around the world – for the children of Yemen and Afghanistan

                [READER:]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                [response:]                You are our joy…

For all who live with fear … fear of war or poverty, fear of unemployment or pain, fear of deportation, fear of climate change, fear of others or themselves: may their fears be turned to joy as they experience the healing embrace of the God who dances with joy over them; may the COP26 Summit on Climate Change lead to decisive and effective global action to heal our planet for future generations

                [READER:]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                [response:]                You are our joy…

For all who are poor and homeless, cold and sick on our streets this Christmas, that we will create a society where all belong and have a home and security: may we as a nation learn from Christmas a new generosity of heart towards those who live devastated and impoverished lives

                [READER:]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                [response:]                You are our joy…

As the sounds of hollow tinsel joy assail us, and the call of shops and lights summons us, may God draw us aside to know the profound joy of prayer-filled moments of silent communion with the God of love

                [READER:]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                [response:]                You are our joy…

For the children of our schools and our Inner City as their excitement grows:  may they not be disappointed with a Christmas scarred by drugs or too much alcohol and not enough love;  and may we learn of divine joy from the wonder in their eyes

                [READER:]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                [response:]                You are our joy…

As many Covid Restrictions return in the face of the Omicron variant, we ask strength and perseverance for our overstretched health and care workers: for …
for all who have died recently, in particular … and all who have died of Covid or perished on the Refugee journey to freedom;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: ….

                [READER:]                  LORD WE PRAY…
                [response:]                You are our joy…

Mary, share with us your joy in waiting and loving and pray with us for our Altar Servers as they embrace their ministry among us…


Let us pray in a moment in joy’s silence…

Second Sunday of Advent YC

May the Global Synod lead the whole Church always to root its life and decisions in the disturbing and life-giving Word of God,  and proclaim with integrity and joy the Gospel of Jesus, that the world may believe

             [reader]              IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
             [response]        LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD

For all who seek after truth,  for those who cannot believe: that their hearts and minds be opened to God’s Word that brings Life, Mercy and Hope;  for a world divided by war and terrorism, racism and famine that all may heed the Gospel of Peace and live; that world leaders will come together in pursuit of peace, freedom and equality for all peoples, to heal the ravages of Climate Warming and the Covid Pandemic

             [reader]              IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
             [response]        LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD

For a deep love of the Scriptures in our parish community, and in our own lives – may we  find inspiration in sharing the Word with one another,  direction for our children and vision empowering our mission; may God’s Word of love for the poor inspire our mission to change our world

             [reader]              IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
             [response]        LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD

For God’s blessing upon the children and young people of our parish family, that filled with the Spirit they may devour the Word, as Bread for their lives and Wisdom for their journey, and so rejoice to proclaim the Word of God’s Mercy and Love and serve the Kingdom with enthusiasm

             [reader]              IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
             [response]        LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD

For all who proclaim God’s Word to us: for our Lay Readers, our Catechists and all who lead Children’s Liturgy, for the teachers in our schools and parents in their families: that they may grow in Christ as they share faith and the Word of God with those entrusted to them – we pray for our school especially at this time

             [reader]              IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
             [response]        LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD

For the Bible Society, Scripture Union and ‘Bible Alive’ and all organisations seeking to share God’s Word with our world:  may they always offer the riches of the Bible with reverence for other world faiths and their sacred  scriptures

             [reader]              IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
             [response]        LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD

For the sick, the lonely. the mentally disturbed and the housebound; we pray especially at this time all who suffer from HIV/Aids and those who care for them: also for …
We pray too for those who have died recently, especially: … and the victims of war, conflict and poverty everywhere
and all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

             [reader]              IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
             [response]        LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD

Mary, teach us to ponder the Word in our hearts and to treasure all that God speaks to our world…

                                            HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment’s silence for other needs 


First Sunday of Advent Year C

Advent is a time of New Beginning for God’s People:  as we begin the Global Synod may the whole Church answer God’s to listen prayerfully and courageously to all the voices,  so that we might hear through each other what the Spirit is saying to the Church in our time, and so better prepare the world for the Final Coming of Christ

                    [reader]                LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]          COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of waiting and working:  that we may struggle with renewed courage for the Advent of justice and freedom for the poor, the homeless and the unemployed;  and as we wait and work with hope for an end to war and famine and the outbreak of peace, especially throughout the Middle East, we cry out for our 68 million refugee sisters and brothers around the world

                    [reader]                LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]          COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of watching for the Coming of Christ:  that we may make space for prayer and stillness in the midst of this season’s busy-ness,  that we will recognise him as he comes in the silence of prayer recognise Him as He comes in each other, and welcome Him who comes in the refugee

                    [reader]                LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]          COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of Mission:  that we might reach out into our city and our world,  and help rebuild human values and heal individuals and families on our streets and bring to an end knife and gun crime on our streets and violence against women;

                    [reader]                LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]          COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of wonder before the Coming of our God:  for our children with their gifts of wonder and awe,  for those who care for them and teach them – their parents and teachers,  catechists and carers – we pray especially for our school of St Nicholas at this time

                    [reader]                LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]          COME LORD JESUS…

We pray for our parish community and all whom we serve, that we will engage with the Global Synod, speak from the heart our joy and pain as Catholics and not be afraid to be prophets of a new way to be Church 

                    [reader]                LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]          COME LORD JESUS…

Advent is a time of becoming:  for the healing and wholeness of all who are sick and remembering all suffering this Corona Virus and all health and care workers; we pray too for….
We pray too for all who have died recently, especially …,  and all killed in conflict and war
and those whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                    [reader]                LORD WE CRY…
                    [response]          COME LORD JESUS…

Mary of Advent,  teach us to wait and watch,  to hope and love…
                                                    HAIL MARY…

Let us wait in the Advent silence of loving prayer…

Feast of Christ the King

We pray for the Church throughout the world … for our unity in love and faithfulness to the Gospel, for our dedication to the Mission of growing the Kingdom upon the Earth, and for our prophets crying out for world-wide solidarity and global co-operation in building Justice and humanity

                         (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                         (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray for our world, in beauty and poverty, freedom and slavery, war and peace; we pray in particular for peace in the conflicts the Middle East, in Cameroon, El Salvador and in Afghanistan … may Jesus our King send the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the Earth, may the Kingdom bring to all peoples hope, justice and the reign of God’s love

                         (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                         (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

Giving thanks for the young people of the world who have spoken so powerfully about Global Warming, we pray for the healing our creation, for decisive action to halt Climate Change: like St Francis may we reverence all God’s creatures and bring hope of a new world where we will all live in harmony and peace, sharing our common home – the planet

                         (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                         (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray for our parish family, for all our young people on this National Youth Sunday, especially those who will be confirmed in the coming year: may they catch the adventure of dedicating themselves to the Servant-King who washes our wounded feet: may we be a healing community,  reaching out to the hurting, excluded and the addicted of the Inner City

                         (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                         (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray for Christians of every tradition in this area, that Jesus our King will hasten the day when we shall all share the One Bread and the One Cup with joyful and united hearts in service of the Kingdom; we pray too for believers of other Faiths, our Moslem, Buddhist and Hindu, Sikh, Jewish and Bahai friends – may we all serve the Goodness and Mercy of God

                         (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                         (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray on this National Youth Sunday for all our children and young people and all involved in their education, for our Diocesan Youth Service and the work of Safeguarding among us: may our young people experience their voices being heard in the Global Synod and their gifts building our Church… may we become a Church where young people can grow free from harm to maturity in Christ and shape with us a 21st Century Church

                         (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                         (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

We pray in thankfulness that we are a fellowship of the weak, where the sick, wounded and broken speak Christ’s Kingdom as no others can; so we bring all who are hurting to the Kingdom of wholeness…
we pray for all who have died recently, especially the many victims of Covid and of discrimination, racism, anti-LGBTQ+ violence, injustice and inequality…
and in this month of November for all the faithful departed and the forgotten ones with no-one to pray for them; and all whose anniversaries are at this time…

                         (reader)             JESUS, WE ASK YOU…
                         (response)       COME REIGN IN OUR HEARTS

Mary, mother of Christ our King and Servant of the Kingdom, pray with us for a more justice, more love…

                                                      HAIL MARY…

We pray for a New Heaven and a New Earth in a moment of silence…

32nd Sunday Year B – World Day of the Poor

‘Beware of those who swallow the property of widows while making a show of lengthy prayers’ … as we mark the World day of the Poor, the whole Church will with determination seek to become ‘Church for the Poor, the Church of the Poor’ challenging all injustice and inequality

                              [reader:]           LORD OPEN OUR EYES…
                              [response:]   TO SEE YOU POOR AMONG THE POOR

‘The Lord brings justice to the oppressed, gives bread to the hungry, upholds the widow and orphan’ … that the COP26 Climate Conference will with courage listen to the ‘cries of the earth, the cries of the Poor’ and act decisively and with courage to heal the planet and bring justice to the poor

                              [reader:]           LORD OPEN OUR EYES…
                              [response:]   TO SEE YOU POOR AMONG THE POOR

‘Elijah the prophet went to the pagan widow of Sidon’ … that our Global Synod which we have begun will truly listen to the voices of today’s prophets and the cries of those on the edges of the Church and have the courage to listen to the Spirit seeking a new way to be the Church

                              [reader:]           LORD OPEN OUR EYES…
                              [response:]   TO SEE YOU POOR AMONG THE POOR

‘The Poor widow had only two small coins’ … we pray that each of us will work to end poverty in our city, our country, our world: we pray especially for all whom we serve through our food bank and through the Churches Winter Night Shelter project

                              [reader:]           LORD OPEN OUR EYES…
                              [response:]   TO SEE YOU POOR AMONG THE POOR

The Widow of Sidon said ‘ I am preparing this myself and my son to eat’ … For our young people that they will be inspired by Jesus, the Poor Man of Nazareth, to listen to the Spirit within them and joyously become ‘Good news to the poor’ of our world and build a new and more equal global community

                              [reader:]           LORD OPEN OUR EYES…
                              [response:]   TO SEE YOU POOR AMONG THE POOR

For a more equal distribution of health care and vaccinations among the poorer countries : and in particular we pray for …
bring eternal life to all who have died recently: …, and all victims of Covid, and violence and war;
and everlasting peace for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                              [reader:]           LORD OPEN OUR EYES…
                              [response:]    TO SEE YOU POOR AMONG THE POOR

We ask Mary, Refuge of the Poor, to help us liberate the world of poverty and injustice…


We pray now for other needs in a moment of silence

Feast of All Saints

On this Feast of Holiness,  may all God’s People respond to the Second Vatican Council’s ‘Universal Call to Holiness’, seek the face of God,  love with the heart of God,  touch the world with the compassionate mercy of God,  and challenge the world with the justice of God

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On this Feast of Humanity, may the Spirit who moves where she wills, raise up people of courage and humanity among world leaders,  politicians and opinion makers,  to lead our world to heal our planet, build equality of resources for all the peoples, bring justice to poor of the Earth; may the G20 Summit and the UN COP26 conference lead to a new vision of global co-operation and friendship, a safer planet and a healed global environment

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On this Feast of the Saints,  we pray for the children and young people of our parish family – that they might be inspired by the adventure of holiness and mission, open their hearts to the Spirit’s many gifts and find their joy in serving Christ: we pray especially for the children and adults baptised and confirmed this past year

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On the Feast of Wholeness,  we pray that as a parish family we will support and encourage one another to grow in all ways into Christ,  helping each other to deepen our prayer,  enlarge our loving,  find more courage in our witness and service

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On this Feast of unknown and unnamed sisters and brothers who have greatly loved,  we pray that we will accept our responsibility to serve the Kingdom, to bear witness to the values of the Gospel, live in communion with creation and proclaim Jesus to the people of the Inner City by the quality of our lives and the endurance of our love as well as by the power of our words

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On the Feast that celebrates all that is holy and whole,  we ask God’s guidance that the Healing Ministry might develop in our parish family and in our diocese, especially in response to the Covid pandemic; we pray for the sick and housebound and all who care for them and those who serve them with the Eucharist; and especially for …
eternal life for all who have died recently, especially for …, all victims of Covid and those killed violently;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

Mary,  most holy and whole,  Mother of all the Saints, pray for us … 


We pray in silence for one another as we walk the path of holiness together…

Twenty-Third Sunday of Year B

Jesus yearns for all his people to ‘be opened’ … may the People of God be open to the new challenges of God in our present age – to proclaim the Gospel in new ways and to heal the world of its many wounds

                               [Reader]              LORD WE PRAY …
                               [response]         OPEN US TO YOUR LOVE…

St James challenges us to be open to the poorest … may the wealthy nations of the world bring hope of dignity and justice to the poorest of our world who one day will judge the rich world in the presence of God

                               [Reader]              LORD WE PRAY …
                               [response]         OPEN US TO YOUR LOVE…

St James challenges us to be open to the poorest … may the wealthy nations of the world bring hope of dignity and justice to the poorest of our world who one day will judge the rich world in the presence of God

                               [Reader]              LORD WE PRAY …
                               [response]         OPEN US TO YOUR LOVE…

Isaiah shares a vision of the destructive desert one day flowing with creative water … we pray for miracles of peace transform the deserts of war and terror, especially in the Middle East – may the hearts of leaders and people of all faiths and none be opened to the Peace of Christ

                               [Reader]              LORD WE PRAY …
                               [response]         OPEN US TO YOUR LOVE…

Jesus healed the deaf and dumb man and the Good News was proclaimed – may all who are deaf to the cries of 60 million refugees and blind to their pain, be opened to hear and see; may our tongues be loosened to proclaim compassion and humanity and so give voice to the poor and excluded

                               [Reader]              LORD WE PRAY …
                               [response]         OPEN US TO YOUR LOVE…

May our children and young people who have returned to school and college this past week be opened to their own limitless possibilities – may their teachers and lecturers draw from them their creativity and knowledge that they might grow – that our world might mature

                               [Reader]              LORD WE PRAY …
                               [response]         OPEN US TO YOUR LOVE…

May Jesus who healed and opened bring healing and peace to all who suffer from impairment of hearing, speech and sight: may he also heal the sick of our parish family: …
may Jesus raise to eternal life those who have died recently, especially … and those who have perished while fleeing poverty, oppression and war;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: … 

                               [Reader]              LORD WE PRAY …
                               [response]         OPEN US TO YOUR LOVE…

Mary the Refugee,  so open to the Word and Spirit of Jesus, pray with us for our migrant brothers and sisters…


We pray in a moment of silence…