Advent is a time of New Beginning for God’s People: as we begin the Global Synod may the whole Church answer God’s to listen prayerfully and courageously to all the voices, so that we might hear through each other what the Spirit is saying to the Church in our time, and so better prepare the world for the Final Coming of Christ
[reader] LORD WE CRY…
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Advent is a time of waiting and working: that we may struggle with renewed courage for the Advent of justice and freedom for the poor, the homeless and the unemployed; and as we wait and work with hope for an end to war and famine and the outbreak of peace, especially throughout the Middle East, we cry out for our 68 million refugee sisters and brothers around the world
[reader] LORD WE CRY…
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Advent is a time of watching for the Coming of Christ: that we may make space for prayer and stillness in the midst of this season’s busy-ness, that we will recognise him as he comes in the silence of prayer recognise Him as He comes in each other, and welcome Him who comes in the refugee
[reader] LORD WE CRY…
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Advent is a time of Mission: that we might reach out into our city and our world, and help rebuild human values and heal individuals and families on our streets and bring to an end knife and gun crime on our streets and violence against women;
[reader] LORD WE CRY…
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Advent is a time of wonder before the Coming of our God: for our children with their gifts of wonder and awe, for those who care for them and teach them – their parents and teachers, catechists and carers – we pray especially for our school of St Nicholas at this time
[reader] LORD WE CRY…
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
We pray for our parish community and all whom we serve, that we will engage with the Global Synod, speak from the heart our joy and pain as Catholics and not be afraid to be prophets of a new way to be Church
[reader] LORD WE CRY…
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Advent is a time of becoming: for the healing and wholeness of all who are sick and remembering all suffering this Corona Virus and all health and care workers; we pray too for….
We pray too for all who have died recently, especially …, and all killed in conflict and war
and those whose anniversaries are at this time: …
[reader] LORD WE CRY…
[response] COME LORD JESUS…
Mary of Advent, teach us to wait and watch, to hope and love…
Let us wait in the Advent silence of loving prayer…