Fourth Sunday of Advent B

‘Rejoice so highly favoured’ … The Angel announces the Good News to Mary … as we listen to one another in this Global Synod, may the Church always be faithful in announcing Good News to the world, and inviting all to utter their ‘Yes’ to God’s call

                          [reader]      SPEAK YOUR WORD..
                           [people]     OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘His reign will have no end’ … we pray for all rulers and governments, that they will serve their people, not dominate them, raise up the poorest of their nations, not exploit them, build the peace not destroy it, especially in Israel/Palestine, the Ukraine, Sudan, Cameroon, and Central Africa, which so needs the Prince of Peace at this time

                          [reader]      SPEAK YOUR WORD..
                           [people]     OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you’ … that we will all open our lives and our community to the renewing, life-giving and empowering Holy Spirit, welcome Jesus into our hearts and so bring the intimacy and joy of God who is the Emmanuel – God with us – to the world around us

                          [reader]      SPEAK YOUR WORD..
                           [people]     OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘You have won God’s favour, Listen!’ … we may prepare our hearts more than our homes for the coming of the Saviour, and in the quietness of prayer let the Spirit to overshadow us and bring Christ to birth within us

                          [reader]      SPEAK YOUR WORD..
                           [people]     OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘The child will be holy, Son of God’ … For the children of our Inner City as their excitement grows:  may they not be hurt with a Christmas scarred by alcohol or drugs and not enough love;  may we learn true joy from the wonder in their eyes 

                          [reader]      SPEAK YOUR WORD..
                           [people]     OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘I am the handmaid of the Lord’ … that we will find joy as we, like Mary, walk the way of the Disciple, surrender ourselves to God’s love, serve the poor, seek God’s vision for our lives and our parish as we are soon to enter a New Year – we pray in particular for our sisters and brothers seeking safe sanctuary among us

                          [reader]      SPEAK YOUR WORD..
                           [people]     OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

‘And the Angel left her’ … we pray for all who will be sick, isolated or alone this Christmas and for …;
We pray eternal life for all who have died recently, especially …  and all killed by war and violence and for all who grieve at this Christmas period;
and for all whose anniversaries at this time:

                          [reader]      SPEAK YOUR WORD..
                           [people]     OVERSHADOW US WITH YOUR SPIRIT…

Mary, help us to say ‘Yes!’ to God and bear Jesus, Prince of Peace, to the world especially at this time of so much conflict and destruction…


Like Mary, let us listen to the whispers of God for a moment…

Third Sunday of Advent Year B (‘Gaudete’ Sunday)

That the People of God will seek always to be prophets of the Light of Christ,  bringing freedom to those imprisoned in poverty and bitterness, and offering the nations the witness of the joy of Christ that no-one can take from us

                         [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response:]        YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…

That the Human Right to peace and stability, to freedom from fear of war and injustice will everywhere be respected, that governments and leaders will guard the dignity of every human person; for a global commitment to deal with Climate Change before it is too late;  for an end to the horror of war in the land of Jesus’ birth and in Ukraine, Sudan, Mali, and Central Africa; and for all organisations that foster Human Rights and protect the oppressed and refugees; that our nation will welcome the stranger and joyfully offer safe haven to the persecuted

                         [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response:]        YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…

John the Baptist prepares for Jesus by calling all to repentance:  we ask God to bless us with a profound desire for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Healing – may we leave behind all that has wounded and hurt us in the past and build a future with hearts made new

                         [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response:]        YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…

Jesus gives us the Bread of his Unity:  may our new Catechumens, Gabe and Gray, find joy and peace as they journey the path of faith and prayer towards Full Communion with the Universal Church; we also pray God’s blessing and the guidance of the Holy Spirit for Canon Christopher Whitehead of St John’s, Bath, who has been appointed Bishop of Plymouth

                         [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response:]        YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…

As the sounds of hollow tinsel joy assail us,  and the call of shops and lights summons us,  may God draw us aside to experience the profound joy of moments of silent communion in love with the God who comes only to transform us in love…

                         [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response:]        YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…

For the thousands of children in our nation who like Jesus, will spend Christmas homeless, and the millions who suffer poverty in our land and throughout the world; for all the children of our parish and the Inner City as their excitement grows:  may they not be disappointed with a Christmas scarred by too much alcohol or by drugs and not enough love;  may we learn from the wonder in their eyes how truly to rejoice…

                         [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response:]        YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…

That the sick may know the joy of healing and closeness to the God who comes to them: …
We pray for all recently dead, especially … and all who have perished through war, conflict and poverty
and those whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular …;

                         [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response:]        YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…

Mary,  share with us your joy in waiting and loving, and guide with your wisdom

                                                         HAIL MARY…

We pray healing for our ‘Common Home’ in the silence of joy’s waiting…

Second Sunday of Advent YB – ‘Bible Sunday’

May the Global Synod, entering a new phase, lead the whole Church always to root its life and decisions in the disturbing and life-giving Word of God, and to proclaim with integrity and joy the Gospel of Jesus, that the world may believe

                             [reader]           IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
                             [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For all who seek after truth,  for those who cannot believe: that their hearts and minds be opened to God’s Word that brings Life, Mercy and Hope;  for a world divided by war and terrorism, racism and famine that all may heed the Gospel of Peace and live; that world leaders will come together in pursuit of peace, freedom and equality for all peoples especially in Israel/Palestine, and through the COP 28 Conference to heal the ravages of Climate Warming

                             [reader]           IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
                             [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For a deep love of the Scriptures in our parish community, and in our own lives – may we  find inspiration in sharing the Word with one another and vision for empowering our mission; may God’s Word of love for the poor inspire our mission to change our world

                             [reader]           IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
                             [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For God’s blessing upon the children and young people of our parish family, that filled with the Spirit they may devour the Word, as Bread for their lives and Wisdom for their journey, and so rejoice to proclaim the Word of God’s Mercy, Hope and Love, serving the Kingdom with enthusiasm

                             [reader]           IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
                             [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For all who proclaim God’s Word to us: for our Minsters of Word and Communion, our Catechists and all who lead Children’s Liturgy, for the teachers in our schools and parents in their families: that all may grow in Christ as they share faith and the Word of God with those entrusted to them

                             [reader]           IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
                             [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For the Bible Society, Scripture Union and ‘Bible Alive’ and all organisations seeking to share God’s Word with our world:  may they always offer the riches of the Bible with reverence for other world faiths and their sacred  scriptures

                             [reader]           IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
                             [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

For the sick, the lonely. the mentally disturbed and the housebound; we pray especially at this time all who suffer from HIV/Aids and those who care for them: also for …
We pray too for those who have died recently, especially … and the victims of war, conflict and poverty everywhere
and all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                             [reader]           IN CHRIST WE PRAY…
                             [response]     LORD FEED US WITH YOUR WORD…

Mary, teach us to ponder the Word in our hearts and to treasure all that God speaks to our world…


Let us pray in a moment’s silence for other needs 


‘He sent his servants to all who were invited to the Feast’ … that the Synod Assembly gathered in Rome as part of the Global Synod will be led by the Holy Spirit to walk the path of reform and renewal, building a radically inclusive Church, where all are welcome and valued   

                           [READER]        GOD OF PEACE…
                           [Response]     Gather all to Your Feast…

‘There is nothing I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength’, writes St Paul … we pray in a world addicted to injustice and poverty, that the World’s poorest will be the world’s first priority, so that the poor will have an equal share in the Feast of the Earth’s Banquet

                           [READER]        GOD OF PEACE…
                           [Response]     Gather all to Your Feast…

‘God will remove the mourning veil and the shroud enwrapping the nations’ … we pray urgently for an end to the war, brutality and terrorism afflicting the peoples of Palestine/Israel and that from the ashes of this horrifying conflict there may emerge a miracle of reconciliation, a peace built upon the rock of Justice and Security for Palestinian and Israeli alike

                           [READER]        GOD OF PEACE…
                           [Response]     Gather all to Your Feast…

All were given the wedding garment free … we pray for Stephen and Francisca married in this church yesterday; for our whole baptised community and for those journeying in Faith towards Sacraments of Initiation: may we discover the joy of living in Christ, robed with garments of holiness and moving towards the eternal feast of heaven

                           [READER]        GOD OF PEACE…
                           [Response]     Gather all to Your Feast…

That as a community we will gladly go the crossroads of our world and fill God’s house with rich, poor, black, white, healthy, addicted, secure and disturbed – may the banquet of His Love which we celebrate here be healing and life for all

                           [READER]        GOD OF PEACE…
                           [Response]     Gather all to Your Feast…

As we grieve the inhumanity and brutality being inflicted upon the women and children of Gaza and Israel, we pray for the hostages held in Gaza and plead for a conversion of heart to peace in the people of violence and in those leaders calling for and justifying vengeance … we dare to pray in this darkest hour for the dawning of a new peace  

                           [READER]        GOD OF PEACE…
                           [Response]     Gather all to Your Feast…

We pray for the thousands of victims of the horror of war in Gaza and Israel and those medical staff in hospitals without power, medicines or food … we pray too for …
we that all who have died recently now enjoy the Heavenly Banquet, especially, Fr Donal Daly and the victims of war, violence and famine;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time,

                           [READER]        GOD OF PEACE…
                           [Response]     Gather all to Your Feast…

Mary Queen of Peace and Mother of the Church, pray with us for the Renewal of the Church in humility and mercy through the Synod… 


Let us pray in silence for the Church to be truly Good News to the Poor …

Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Year A

As the Church celebrates the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ may all God’s People witness joyfully to the free gift of God’s love in our lives so that many more will come to know the God who gives not less than everything to all willing to receive His love into their lives

                    [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                    [response]      MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

For all who are unemployed, for those denied the right to work, for those who are exploited or discriminated against in their work place, for those denied a just and living wage, for the victims of modern slavery, trafficking 

                    [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                    [response]      MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

For those who do not recognise the God who creates and loves them;  for those seeking meaning and hope in their lives;  for those struggling to come to Jesus Christ and find in him the key of truth in our modern unbelieving world; for God’s blessing and guidance upon our Journey of Faith group

                    [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                    [response]      MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

For a change of heart and policy among our Government that they will listen to the cries of those suffering most because of the cost of living crisis and the increasing numbers of homeless people  

                    [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                    [response]      MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

For our young people at this time starting at University, apprenticeships or their working life: that they might find joy and fulfilment as they shape their and meet new challenges

                    [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                    [response]      MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

That we will overcome our fears of sharing the Good News with those around us and answer the Call to Serve;  that we will continue to build a community of welcome for all in every form of diversity;  that such love will be found among us that seekers may find their way to Christ

                    [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                    [response]      MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

That the sick and the housebound might hear the Good News of healing and hope, and by their loving prayer nourish the Mission of the Church:  we pray especially for …
for those who have died recently,… and in particular the victims of the Earthquake in Morocco and of violence, conflict and famine
for those whose anniversaries are at this time:

                    [reader]            LORD WE PRAY…
                    [response]      MAY ALL KNOW YOUR LOVE..                           

Let us ask Mary, Queen of Peace and mother of the poor, to pray with us for the Peace of our world and justice for all the oppressed …

                                                   HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

Twenty-Fourth Sunday of Year A

That the Christian Church in our land will continue to ‘fling wide open the doors of God’s mercy’, to develop the New Evangelisation and so invite to all to come and find new life in Christ Jesus;  that mission will be our joy and our fulfilment

                       [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                       [response]         MAY YOUR GOSPEL BE HEARD…                           

For the people of our city and our nation,  that all will discover that it is never too late hear the call of Christ to the Fulness of Life; and may we build together a future of hope to bring opportunity, meaning and purpose to the lives of our young people

                       [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                       [response]         MAY YOUR GOSPEL BE HEARD…                           

For those who place their hope in money and profit rather than the God who creates and loves them;  for those seeking meaning and hope in their lives;  for those struggling to come to Jesus Christ and find in him the key of truth in our modern unbelieving world

                       [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                       [response]         MAY YOUR GOSPEL BE HEARD…                           

For our parish family enriched with such diversity, that we will find new ways to bring  the Joy of the Gospel and its New Life to the people of our Inner City; that as a Parish in communion for mission we will bring healing and hope to the most marginalised

                       [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                       [response]         MAY YOUR GOSPEL BE HEARD…                           

That we will overcome our fears of sharing the Good News with those around us; for all involved in our Journey of Faith, especially those seeking to know Jesus and find faith;  that it will be our joy to be known in our area as disciples of Jesus;  that such love will be found among us that seekers may find their way to the Christ among us

                       [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                       [response]         MAY YOUR GOSPEL BE HEARD…                           

That the sick, and housebound might hear the Good News of healing and hope, and by their loving prayer nourish the Mission of the Church:  we pray especially for …
for those who have died recently…. and  in particular all victims of war and terror throughout the world
for those whose anniversaries are at this time

                       [reader]               LORD WE PRAY…
                       [response]         MAY YOUR GOSPEL BE HEARD…                           

Let us ask Mary, the One who gave Jesus to the world, to pray for us that we too will rejoice to give Jesus to our world…

                                                           HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

Twenty-Third Sunday of the Year A

For the Church … that through the Global Synod we will not be afraid to listen to each other and the modern world in all its struggles and dilemmas, while proclaiming the challenging truth of Christ with both compassion and boldness

                      [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                      [Response]             Speak Your Truth to us…

In this Season of Creation, may all humanity be caring stewards of Creation and bring healing to our wounded ‘Common Home’ as we listen to the cries of the Earth and the cries of the Poor’

                      [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                      [Response]             Speak Your Truth to us…

All the commandments are summed up in the Law of Love … that our society will not cheapen and degrade the dignity of Love – that in a world of short-lived relationships many will have the courage to make long-term commitments and rebuild our communities and families 

                      [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                      [Response]             Speak Your Truth to us…

‘You shall not kill’ … that men and women of violence of everywhere ‘will listen this day to the voice of the Lord’, and be converted to peace in Ukraine, Sudan, the Middle East, Mali, Cameroon and Niger, and in the many theatres of conflict and war in Africa

                      [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                      [Response]             Speak Your Truth to us…

For our children and teachers who begin a new academic year; for those changing schools and colleges at this time, and those preparing to begin at University … may all grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding

                      [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                      [Response]             Speak Your Truth to us…

For all spiritual directors, guides and counsellors as they seek to accompany another along the Way of Christ – may all speak the truth in love, so that the truth does not wound but liberates and heals

                      [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                      [Response]             Speak Your Truth to us…

We pray for our sick and housebound brothers and sisters that we might joyfully pay ‘the debt of mutual love’ … for
for those who have died recently especially … and the victims of war and conflicts and the ravages of global warming;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time Queen Elizabeth II …

                      [READER]                LORD WE PRAY…
                      [Response]             Speak Your Truth to us…

Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray with us that all might return to Christ your Son…

                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence, especially our children and young people returning to schools and colleges …


For 175 years, the Eucharist has been the centre of our parish’s life, community and mission: may this celebration of the Breaking of the Bread heal our brokenness, deepen our love for Christ Jesus, bind us together in life-giving community and empower our mission to be Good News to the Poor

          [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
          [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas broke the Bread of the Eucharist at the Table of the Lord; and broke bread with poor of his society: may we and the whole Church rededicate ourselves to translating our love for the Christ we meet in the Eucharist into as deep a love for the Christ we meet in the Poor

          [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
          [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas preached the Gospel and broke the Bread of the Word for the people of Tolentino, drawing many to Christ: having received the Gospel from generations past may we find new ways of passing on the Gift of the Living Word of God to our young people so that they will shape the church moving into the future

          [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
          [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

Throughout these past 175 years our parish has received migrants who have come to our shores and our city: may the whole Church be truly ‘Catholic’ where ‘all are welcome’ – a home to peoples of every race, language and culture, a world-wide community gathering as one all peoples, struggling for justice and equality for the most marginalised and ridding the world of all forms of human trafficking and modern slavery

          [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
          [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

Giving thanks for our past years of mission and looking forward with hope to the years to come, we pray that our Global Synod will bring us a renewed vision for the 21st Century Church of mission and healing, growing in communion with all creation; in this ‘Season of Creation’ may we listen to the cries of the Earth and the cries of the poor, build healing communities of diverse identities and faiths, caring together for the poor and the excluded near and far

          [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
          [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

That all our children and young people will grow up to care for the poorest, respecting people of all races, cultures and sexual orientation and valuing our multi-ethnic society; that opposing all racial violence and every form of prejudice, our schools and colleges will rejoice in the diversity of our one Human Race

          [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
          [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

St Nicholas was called and gifted by God to bring healing to the sick and the poor: for all wounded in mind and heart by abuse, injustice and poverty; we pray also for ….
St Nicholas prayed deeply for the dead: we pray for those who have died recently … because of war, and conflict, the refugee journey and climate change;
we pray also for all the faithful departed of our parish in its 175 years history and for … whose anniversaries are at this time 

          [Reader]                LORD HEAL OUR  WORLD…
          [Response]          RENEW YOUR PEOPLE  IN LOVE…

 Mary, Mother of all the abandoned ones, help us to recognise Jesus in every person….                                                             

                                              HAIL MARY…

We pray in silence for God’s empowerment of our parish family in service and mission…


For the whole Church that we might all share in the Universal Love of God for all peoples and nations and, becoming truly Catholic, serve the world’s peace; that God will give wisdom, compassion and prophetic courage to our Universal Pastor, Pope Francis as he enables the Church’s Global Synod

                            [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                            [Response]         Share Your love with us…

As the Church is challenged to be a House of Prayer for all Peoples, may it be the servant and instrument of God’s struggle for peace, for justice and for integrity for our conflict-torn world: we pray peace for all the peoples of Ukraine, Sudan, the Middle East, Yemen, Niger and Ecuador

                          [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                          [Response]         Share Your love with us…

As our young people received exam results this week, we pray for them as they shape their future and make far-reaching decisions – may they rejoice to use their skills and gifts to create a better and more just world, and value themselves and others not by exam results but by the ‘wonder of their being’

                          [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                          [Response]         Share Your love with us…

We pray for our LGBTQ+ friends throughout the world, especially those threatened by laws that victimise them and Christian leaders who uphold their condemnation – may the Holy Spirit of God’s Universal Love lead them and us ‘into all truth’

                          [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                          [Response]         Share Your love with us…

We pray for our parish community that we will always seek to be ‘God’s Field Hospital’, a place of healing and welcome to all without exception; may our nation have a new heart of compassion and acceptance for our refugee and asylum community

                          [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                          [Response]         Share Your love with us…

We pray for all who serve the safety of our communities in the Police Force, for all who administer the Justice system of our land – may they be supported as they deal with the most shocking of crimes while seeking always True Justice for all our people

                          [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                          [Response]         Share Your love with us…

For the sick and housebound and all who care for them in hospital, hospice or home: for all who are terminally ill and are journeying towards the eternal heart of God;
for those who have died recently: those who died in the Wildfires especially in Hawaii and all those who have drowned in the refugee boats;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                          [READER]            LORD WE PRAY…
                          [Response]         Share Your love with us…

Mary, Queen of peace amd Mother of all Peoples, pray with us for our children baptised today…

                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment’s stillness …


That the Church of God will teach us how to pray, to go up the Mountain of God’s Presence and listen to the whispering voice of God deep in the heart and at the centre of the storm: may the renewal of the Church be energised by a renewal of prayer and faith

                                                      [READER]                       LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                                                      [Response]                     Speak to our hearts…

In the midst of the storm Jesus calls out to the world – ‘Courage, it is I! … Come!’ : in the midst of the many crises facing our world at this time, may many search for the the reality of God, taste of the riches of prayer to be found in the Christian tradition, and have the courage to walk towards the Christ of today’s world

                                                      [READER]                       LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                                                      [Response]                     Speak to our hearts…

Like St Paul and St Edith Stein, we too pray for the Jewish People all over the world, that in fidelity to the Covenant with the God of Abraham, the God of Moses, they might discover in Jesus not an enemy but a fulfilment, and in Christians not foes but friends and companions along the Ways of God … we pray also for peace between Israel and Palestine and for the stricken peoples of Sudan, Ukraine and Yemen and for the freedom of the Uiga Muslims of China  

                                                      [READER]                       LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                                                      [Response]                     Speak to our hearts…

For those communities around the world who have suffered from the effects of Global Warming: floods, wildfires, storms and heatwaves; may all humanity and the leaders of nations and multi-national companies listen to the cries of the Earth and act decisively and quickly to save and heal our planet for future generations

                                                      [READER]                       LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                                                      [Response]                     Speak to our hearts…

On this Sea Sunday, we pray for all who serve us on the seas, for all seafarers who are exploited by their employers; and for the Church’s Mission to Seafarers and their families

                                                      [READER]                       LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                                                      [Response]                     Speak to our hearts…

We pray for all who live the contemplative life, in monasteries and convents, in hermitages and shanty towns, in ordinary homes and families … may they stand faithfully before the Presence of God with hearts open to listen and love, and encourage us all to the prayer of silent loving and waiting stillness 

                                                      [READER]                       LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                                                      [Response]                     Speak to our hearts…

May the sick and housebound embrace with love their ministry of prayer and intercession, as we now pray for them: for …;
those who have died recently: especially … and those killed in the wildfires in Hawaii, war and conflict in Sudan and Ukraine
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                                                      [READER]                       LORD TEACH US TO PRAY…
                                                      [Response]                     Speak to our hearts…

Mary, Woman of Prayer, Prophet of Justice and Queen of Peace, pray with us, pray for us ..
Hail Mary…

Let us pray in a moment’s stillness …