That the People of God will seek always to be prophets of the Light of Christ, bringing freedom to those imprisoned in poverty and bitterness, and offering the nations the witness of the joy of Christ that no-one can take from us
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response:] YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…
That the Human Right to peace and stability, to freedom from fear of war and injustice will everywhere be respected, that governments and leaders will guard the dignity of every human person; for a global commitment to deal with Climate Change before it is too late; for an end to the horror of war in the land of Jesus’ birth and in Ukraine, Sudan, Mali, and Central Africa; and for all organisations that foster Human Rights and protect the oppressed and refugees; that our nation will welcome the stranger and joyfully offer safe haven to the persecuted
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response:] YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…
John the Baptist prepares for Jesus by calling all to repentance: we ask God to bless us with a profound desire for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Healing – may we leave behind all that has wounded and hurt us in the past and build a future with hearts made new
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response:] YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…
Jesus gives us the Bread of his Unity: may our new Catechumens, Gabe and Gray, find joy and peace as they journey the path of faith and prayer towards Full Communion with the Universal Church; we also pray God’s blessing and the guidance of the Holy Spirit for Canon Christopher Whitehead of St John’s, Bath, who has been appointed Bishop of Plymouth
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response:] YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…
As the sounds of hollow tinsel joy assail us, and the call of shops and lights summons us, may God draw us aside to experience the profound joy of moments of silent communion in love with the God who comes only to transform us in love…
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response:] YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…
For the thousands of children in our nation who like Jesus, will spend Christmas homeless, and the millions who suffer poverty in our land and throughout the world; for all the children of our parish and the Inner City as their excitement grows: may they not be disappointed with a Christmas scarred by too much alcohol or by drugs and not enough love; may we learn from the wonder in their eyes how truly to rejoice…
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response:] YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…
That the sick may know the joy of healing and closeness to the God who comes to them: …
We pray for all recently dead, especially … and all who have perished through war, conflict and poverty
and those whose anniversaries are at this time, in particular …;
[reader] LORD WE PRAY…
[response:] YOU ARE JOY ITSELF…
Mary, share with us your joy in waiting and loving, and guide with your wisdom
We pray healing for our ‘Common Home’ in the silence of joy’s waiting…