Jesus promises to send the Spirit,  the Advocate … that the Church of Christ in every land will accept with courage to be the Advocate of the poor,  the powerless and the oppressed; on this Fifth Anniversary of Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Global Warming, ‘Laudato Si’, may the world hear the cries of the poor, the cry of the Earth – and act now!

                    [reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit,  to be with us forever … that those afflicted with war, oppression and famine, especially in the Middle East, and swathes of Africa,  those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction on our own streets – may they all experience the Spirit of God ever with them giving them courage

[reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit who leads into all truth … for all who search for truth and meaning that their search will lead them to the Truth that is Jesus; for scientists and scholars who seek to understand,  for artists, writers and poets who yearn to express Truth’s beauty, for all seeking to heal the earth of the wounds of Climate Change and to heal humanity of the Covid virus

[reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit that is the love that unites … for families who are separated and divided,  for our parish family that we will grow in greater unity and deeper friendship among our diverse communities even as tis pandemic forces us physically apart

[reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit that draws us to maturity … for the young people of our parish family that they will develop their gifts in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit; for our children still waiting to meet Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time

                   [reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

Jesus promises to send the Spirit that heals … for the sick and housebound, in particular for those suffering from Covid 19 and for those who care for them, and for the sick, elderly and vulnerable of our parish and area, and …
for those who have died recently … in particular of the Coronavirus and all who died in war or famine;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

[reader]              SEND YOUR SPIRIT…
                    [response]     RENEW OUR WORLD!

As Mary allowed the Spirit to overshadow her and transform her life, may she help us to welcome the same Spirit who renews the face of the Earth…

                                                     HAIL MARY… 

We pray for the promised Spirit to inspire us,  as we accept the challenge of  Mission…

Fifth Sunday of Easter Year A

Jesus is the Servant … we pray for our Pope Francis in his universal service of the Church and the World as the Servant of the Servants of God; for all deacons and their wives as they offer us new models of ministry and teach us how ordained ministry and marriage can enrich each other and the Church:  that all Christians will rejoice to be Servants of God and the World

                         [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

Jesus is the Stone that is rejected … for all who feel rejected by the Church:  for women who experience a call to ordination or increased responsibility in the Church;  for those who have suffered the breakdown of their marriage, that past rejections and hurts might be healed; for those refused Holy Communion – that we might live and offer the Mercy of God to all

                         [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

Jesus is the Way … that nations and their leaders will walk the paths of Justice that set people free of poverty and oppression, in particular in the conflict-ridden areas and Famine regions of Africa and the Middle East; that all nations will come together to confront both the Covid 19 pandemic and the even greater challenge of climate change

                         [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

Jesus is the Truth … that our young people, together with all our community, will continue to grow in a knowledge and love of Jesus, until we find that deep freedom of heart in Christ the Truth who sets us free

                         [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

Jesus is the Life … for all who work in medical, welfare and social agencies, especially during this emergency, that they will reverence the uniqueness of every life,  from the womb to the grave;  for the Christian ministry of healing that seeks to give life;  for relief agencies and all organisations like Borderlands who bring hope to the starving, impoverished and the asylum seeker and the refugee

                         [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

Jesus promises greater works among us … for the healing of the sick,  especially all suffering from this virus and all who care for them;
for those recently dead, in particular Faustina, Jim, Barrie and John and all who have died during this pandemic;
and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time: 

                         [Reader]        LORD WE PRAY…
                         [response]    TOUCH OUR WORLD WITH LOVE…

We ask Mary the Servant of the Lord, under the title of Our Lady of Fatima, to help us be open to the Holy Spirit as she was…
                                                    HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence…


The Church’s deepest call is to be like the Good Shepherd, loving without limit:   may all know that we are Christians by our love for one another, love enough to unite the Church and heal our world … we pray for our Universal Shepherd Pope Francis, our bishop Declan and the whole College of Bishops

               [reader:]              LORD YOU CALL US…
               [response:]        YOUR WILL BE DONE…

The Universal call is to be human,  protecting the life and well-being of every person and living  in communion with our creation:  that all peoples will struggle for peace rather than struggle in war: for the peoples of Syria,  Iraq, Yemen, South Sudan, the Ukraine, and central Africa; for the millions threatened with Famine

               [reader:]              LORD YOU CALL US…
               [response:]        YOUR WILL BE DONE…

Our Parish Community is called by Jesus to be a Gateway to Life and healing for the people of the Inner City: may we gather the poor and broken into healing, hope and life; following the Shepherd may we reach out to all and inviting them to the Table of the Lord

               [reader:]              LORD YOU CALL US…
               [response:]        YOUR WILL BE DONE…

Some are called to ordained ministry or the religious life:  for those soon to be ordained priest or deacon; for all the students of our Diocese studying for the priesthood in seminaries and for the diaconate in their own parishes;  for our young women and men that they might hear and welcome God’s call to serve in ordained Ministry and Religious Life; for the Church that we might be open to new forms of ministry that the Spirit calls and shapes for today

               [reader:]              LORD YOU CALL US…
               [response:]        YOUR WILL BE DONE…

For our catechumens preparing to be confirmed in the power and love of the Holy Spirit when we are able together once more: that they will be empowered to serve the cause of the Gospel of Christ with life-long faithfulness and openness to all the Spirit’s many gifts for mission and ministry among us; for all preparing for marriage or recently married that they might live faithfully their vocation to love

               [reader:]              LORD YOU CALL US…
               [response:]        YOUR WILL BE DONE…

We are all called to life and wholeness:  for those struggling in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic and all who care for them; for the victims of domestic abuse and for all suffering mental turmoil and depression because of isolation or fear; the housebound and sick of our parish …
for all who have died recently, especially victims of Covid-19 and al who been killed by war, conflict and famine;
for those whose anniversaries occur at this time:

               [reader:]              LORD YOU CALL US…
               [response:]        YOUR WILL BE DONE…

Let us ask Mary, who uttered her ‘Yes’ to God’s Call,  to pray that each will embrace our vocation more profoundly…

                                               HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence for unknown needs…


Jesus listened to the distressed disciples:  that the Church may never tire of listening to the pain of the world, and with faith and sensitivity bring the healing of new hope to the broken everywhere

                        [reader:]        LORD, SPEAK YOUR LOVE..
                        [response:]    May your Word burn within us…

Jesus walked alongside the grieving broken ones:  that Christians may walk alongside all who are grieving especially during this pandemic, all who seek peace, all who struggle for justice, especially in theatres of war in our world today: we hold in prayer especially the Rhohinga Muslims seeking safe sanctuary and a dignity of life

                        [reader:]        LORD, SPEAK YOUR LOVE..
                        [response:]    May your Word burn within us…

Jesus spoke His Word to give the two disciples a new beginning:  that we may love the Scriptures, discovering Christ the Living Word each day; may we as a parish family learn to speak that Word to our neighbours who are hungry for truth, meaning and new beginnings

                        [reader:]        LORD, SPEAK YOUR LOVE..
                        [response:]    May your Word burn within us…

Jesus broke the Bread, and their eyes were opened:  that we may find joy and nourishment, love and unity as we too recognise Him alive among us in the Breaking of Bread … at this time when we are unable to receive the Eucharist may our love for the Jesus of the Broken Bread and Shared Cup know no bounds:  we pray also for our children whose celebration of  First Eucharist has been postponed – may it serve only to deepen their hunger and their love for His great gift

                        [reader:]        LORD, SPEAK YOUR LOVE..
                        [response:]    May your Word burn within us…

Jesus stayed with the disciples as darkness fell:  that we may stay with each other in these dark days of Isolation as well as the joyful days of celebration; that our Muslim brothers and sisters may find blessing and a deeper awareness of God during this days of Ramadan Fast, even though they cannot meet for prayer and the shared breaking of the fast; that our Covenant with Poor and our ‘Borderlands’ Charity will enable us to walk alongside those trapped in darkness in the Inner City and beyond

                        [reader:]        LORD, SPEAK YOUR LOVE..
                        [response:]    May your Word burn within us…

Jesus healed the shattered disciples with their broken dreams:  may the sick, lonely and depressed find wholeness and hope in the Risen One: we pray especially for all suffering from the Coronavirus and all who care for them in hospitals, care homes and in their own families;
for all who have died recently,  and all who grieve them at this time when it is not possible to share that grief as we normally would;
and for all whose anniversaries occur at this time:  

                        [reader:]        LORD, SPEAK YOUR LOVE..
                        [response:]    May your Word burn within us…

Mary, mother of the Body of Christ, the Church, pray for us, journey with us…

                                                    HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for unknown needs in a moment of silence…


Thomas remained in doubt until he returned to the community of faith:  for the unity of all God’s Church,  that together we will offer to an unbelieving world a convincing sign of faith, proclaiming the Risen Lord of the Church

                                          JESUS IS RISEN…
               [response:]   HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Thomas saw and he believed:  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot see;  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot hope;  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot trust – that Christians everywhere and in our Parish will draw many to a renewed faith in the Risen Christ
                                          JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus’ wounds were healing for broken disciples:  may we have the courage to face our own brokenness,  walk with others in their brokenness with an unconditional love,  and allow miracles of healing to flow from our community: we pray especially for our refugee and LBGT friends, that the pain of rejection and judgement may be soon healed

                                          JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus sent his disciples to touch the wounds of the world, forgiving and reconciling:  that the Church of God will challenge the madness of knife and gun crimes in our cities and towns; will challenge war and terrorism, creating peace and miracles of new beginnings, especially throughout the Middle East and conflict torn parts of Africa; for all communities of Reconciliation – Corrymeela in Northern Ireland; Taizé in France; Pax Christi throughout the world; may we all be living parables of reconciliation

                                          JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus speaks the Easter ‘Peace’:  may we always serve peace in our fractured world:  serve healing for every distressed heart and wounded mind especially those traumatised by refugee journeys; for peace in the streets and homes of the Inner City

                                          JESUS IS RISEN…

Jesus comes among them and heals:  for the sick of body and mind, and for all who are darkened by depression; we pray in particular for all suffering with the Corona virus and for all caring for them and families anxious for them and …
May Risen Lord share His Resurrection with all who have died recently, especially … the victims of Covid-19 and all killed by terror and conflict
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                                          JESUS IS RISEN…

Mary,  sharing most fully the Resurrection of Jesus, pray with us and for us…

Let us pray in a moment of the silence of peace…


Jesus is Risen!  May all God’s People shout to the world from the housetops that He is alive among us … may Pope Francis and Bishop Declan give powerful witness to the Resurrection and may our transformed lives speak louder than our words

             [reader]       LORD JESUS…
              [people]           SET US FREE, GIVE US LIFE…

Jesus is Risen!  May the Earth know the Power of Resurrection by nations living in peace, respecting human dignity and the rights of all women and men;  banishing hunger and exploitation from the earth;  protecting  our fragile environment: we pray for peace, freedom and justice for peoples everywhere and especially for the Peoples of the entire Middle East, especially the Yemen and in Cameroon and Mali

             [reader]       LORD JESUS…
              [people]           SET US FREE, GIVE US LIFE…

Jesus is Risen!  As we recognise in the Breaking of the Bread the Crucified One alive among us, may we renew our commitment to our Risen Brother, Jesus Christ; our dedication to loving service of one another;  and, as missionary disciples, to witness to his fearless love and transform our city,  our society and our world

             [reader]       LORD JESUS…
              [people]           SET US FREE, GIVE US LIFE…

Jesus is Risen!  May the Christian Churches of the Inner City grow closer in trust and genuine partnership, to bring the Joy of the Gospel and the Living Hope of the Risen Christ to our streets and communities              

             [reader]       LORD JESUS…
              [people]           SET US FREE, GIVE US LIFE…

Jesus is Risen!  We bring to the Lord our child and adult catechumens who sadly cannot be baptised this Easter day: may they each grow always in the love of our Risen Lord: may all parents find joy in sharing faith with their children; may and may our parish family in the midst of this physical separation grow in deeper love for each other and profound openness to the Spirit of the Risen One

             [reader]       LORD JESUS…
              [people]           SET US FREE, GIVE US LIFE…

Jesus is Risen!  May His Passover from death to life be healing for the sick of body and mind:   we pray especially for  all suffering from the Coronavirus, all medical staff caring for them and their families in their anxiety for them; we pray too fo all combating  the Virus in refugee camps, detention centres and prisons;
May He share His Resurrection with all who have died recently: those of our parish family, all victims of the Covid 19 pandemic and those killed in the horror of war and terror, especially in the Middle East;
and we seek Risen Peace for all of our community who have died since our last celebration of Easter Life,  and all whose anniversaries occur at this time:

             [reader]       LORD JESUS…
              [people]           SET US FREE, GIVE US LIFE…

Mary, destined to share most fully the Resurrection of Your Son,  pray for us that we may live in His love…

                                        HAIL MARY…

We pray in silent wonder before the glory of our Risen Christ …


PRIEST: On this Passover Night, Jesus commands us to bring His love to one another, and to our world.  Each one of us is called a ‘servant’,  summoned to work with one another in shared ministry.  This night we celebrate that we are called to be a community of unity, a community of prayer and a community of mission bringing the love of Christ to the people of our inner city, bringing justice and hope to the poor of the world, bringing Christ the Bread of Life to every hunger. Let us serve our world and each other by our prayer.

READER :    This night Jesus prayed, ‘Father may they all be One …’ for the Unity of the whole Church gathered around the love of Jesus poured out upon the Cross and in Eucharist, so that with greater authenticity we might proclaim the Gospel of Peace

[Reader:]           Lord we pray …
                                                       MAKE US LIVING EUCHARIST

This night Jesus washed the feet of His disciples and taught us to do likewise … for Pope Francis and the whole College of Bishops and all who have leadership in the Church that they be humble servants of their people, listening compassionately, healing gently and defending bravely the vulnerable: we pray that all may experience the Church as the community of God’s infinite Mercy

[Reader:]           Lord we pray …
                                                       MAKE US LIVING EUCHARIST

This night Jesus said, ‘I give you a new command: love one another as I have loved you’ … giving thanks for our doctors, nurses, laboratory workers and carers who work tirelessly for the victims of the Coronavirus, we pray that we might make this great love visible also in our care for the poor, our struggles for justice, our commitment to freedom and equality for all people: we pray especially for all in government everywhere; for the work of CAFOD, our schools in Gambia, Sierra Leone and Ethiopia, the Wild Goose Café, for ‘Borderlands’ Charity  and our asylum ministry

[Reader:]           Lord we pray …
                                                       MAKE US LIVING EUCHARIST

This night Jesus broke the unleavened Bread of Purity in remembrance of the Passover … for our Jewish brothers and sisters as they celebrate God’s freedom and liberation, that there will be an end to all anti-semitism: we pray that all faiths will come together in mutual understanding and acceptance to form a ‘fellowship of believers’ and serve the peace of the world

[Reader:]           Lord we pray …
                                                       MAKE US LIVING EUCHARIST

This night Jesus offered us all one Cup to drink … that our parish will share more effectively the struggles, hopes and aspirations of all our cultures in the Inner City and become more profoundly a community who drinks of each other’s pain and joy, and gives without measure the love in our hearts, whatever the cost.

[Reader:]           Lord we pray …
                                                       MAKE US LIVING EUCHARIST

May Mary, mother of our Saviour, who lived the Great Command with the love of a humble servant, pray that we might love and serve and liberate…


We pray in the silence of this night for our world, for the Church, and for all the sick


May the Church share the humility of our Servant-King, who comes to His world not with the force of power but with the power of love, and so serve the world in its struggles with a humble compassion: we pray both wisdom and courage for Pope Francis and all our bishops

                                  [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                                  [response:]           GIVE US LIFE!

For the unity of the whole Church gathered at the foot of the Cross this week:  that all Christians in our diverse traditions may move from arrogance to humility, from dogmatism to openness, from division to communion

                                  [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                                  [response:]           GIVE US LIFE!

For all who hold authority and government in both Church and State, that they may serve the peace of the world, the dignity of every human person, the justice and protection of the innocent and vulnerable, especially refugees and those seeking safe asylum and all victims of human trafficking: we pray for the peace of the Holy Land and the whole Middle East region, with the building of a Fellowship of all believers in the service of a more stable and just world

                                  [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                                  [response:]           GIVE US LIFE!

For all prisoners: that those held unjustly be released soon; that those rightfully convicted be held in conditions worthy of children of God; that our penal system be reformed to serve rehabilitation more than punishment: we pray for all prison chaplains at this time

                                  [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                                  [response:]           GIVE US LIFE!

That this Holy Week may see us renew our commitment to Jesus Christ, to his mission of love and mercy in the world;  for the Church’s catechumens whose reception of Sacraments of Initiation is delayed because of the pandemic; that those who have given up their faith may hear again the Good News and return to Christ;  that those who have never believed may find New Life in Christ’s Crucified Love

                                  [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                                  [response:]           GIVE US LIFE!

That the wounds of Christ may be healing for those addicted to drugs and alcohol, and for the sick of body and mind:   we pray especially for those suffering from Covid-19 and for all our health and care workers serving them: may they be strengthened in body in the weariness of their long hours of work; encouraged in the emotional challenge and stress of such caring; rewarded and protected in the gentle patience and many risks their work brings them;
that the death of Christ will bring eternal life to all who have died recently, especially teh victims of this pandemic and all killed in conflict and war;
for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                                  [Reader:]               COME CRUCIFIED LORD
                                  [response:]           GIVE US LIFE!

Let us stand with Mary, before the Cross of a suffering world, and pray in particular for filled with fear because of Coronavirus…  

                                                                      HAIL MARY…

Let us be still before our Crucified God…


For our Universal Pastor, Pope Francis, that God will gift him with strength, wisdom and courage as he serves to unbind the Church from all dysfunction and disunity,  lead us along the paths of reform and renewal and inspire us for mission, that we might proclaim Life to a world seeking to discover how to live with renewed humanity: 

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…
                    [response:]         SET US FREE!

For a world held bound by poverty, drugs, alcohol, injustice and exploitation; for a world imprisoned in cycles of war, violence and the lust for power that leads to aggression; for a world struggling to be free to live in harmony with creation and in peace with each other: that we may have the courage to be prophets of the Justice and Peace of Christ

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

For all held captive and bound by depression and their wounded past, that they experience healing’s freedom; for all who care for or counsel the depressed and emotionally wounded, that wise and profound listening might set free from inner darkness; for the healing of all scarred by memories of terror in the countries from which they have fled

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

For all bound up and entombed in poverty and modern forms of slavery, that they will know their dignity; that the leaders of nations and economies will work together to combat the global Coronavirus pandemic and create greater equality of health care provision in the developing nations; for all suffering from famine, racism and class inequality,  and for those surviving in the world’s refugee camps

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

For those who have neglected their life of faith, that in the enforced solitude of these dark days, they will hear and answer the call of Jesus to return to closeness with God;  that this Holy Week all will embrace the Christ who has died for love of them

                       [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

For all serving the sick and victims of the Coronavirus: for nurses, doctors and carers; for the police, emergency services and the army drafted in to support our communities at this time; for those clearing refuse from our streets, those serving our supermarkets and food shops, and all other essential workers 

                           [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

That the sick be unbound from their suffering by the healing voice of Christ: …
that the dead may be unbound for eternal glory, in particular those who died because of the Coronavirus and all killed in the cycles of war, violence and famine around the world;
and those whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                    [READER]          UNBIND US,  LORD…

Mary, Prophet of the Poor, pray with us to unbind the world of injustice    


Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence…



Romero was a courageous Bishop who listened to the cries of the poor – we pray for the whole People of God that with Pope Francis leadership we might truly become ‘the Church of the Poor, the church for the Poor’

[reader]          LORD WE PRAY
[response]    Give us courage 

Romero spoke Truth to Power, who then tried to silence his voice by murder – we pray that we will too will speak Truth to power whatever sacrifice this demands: we pray all political leaders that they will listen and know they are servants of the people

[reader]          LORD WE PRAY
[response]    Give us courage

Romero was a man of peace in the midst of war and terror – we pray for the peace of our world in these conflicted times, especially in the Middle East, Central Africa and Cameroon

[reader]          LORD WE PRAY
[response]    Give us courage

Romero was the voice of the voiceless in El Salvador – we pray for the marginalised and impoverished whose voices are rarely heard; for the millions of refugees and asylum-seekers that the rich world will listen to their cries, especially at this tim o f international emergency; for the victims of torture, abuse and exploitation, in particular victims of modern slavery that they be set free and healed

[reader]          LORD WE PRAY
[response]    Give us courage

Romero was a model Bishop – compassionate pastor and powerful prophet – we pray for our bishops and all pastoral leaders that they will learn from Romero as they lead and encourage the People of God 

[reader]          LORD WE PRAY
[response]    Give us courage

Romero had a passion for Justice and love for the Poor that led him to sacrifice friendships and eventually his life – we pray that we might love with the sacrificial love of Christ in order to bring True Justice to the nations

[reader]          LORD WE PRAY
[response]    Give us courage

Romero found in Mary the poor virgin of Nazareth inspiration to abandon himself into God’s hands – may we too drink from the same well of the Spirit

[reader]           HAIL MARY…

We pray for the poor and exploited of the world in a moment of silence…