21st Sunday of the Year C

That the People of God will walk with Christ through the ‘Narrow Door’ of God’s radical and universal love and so guide the Nations along the Way that leads to Life and Freedom:

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

For our world wounded by terrorism and divided by war and ethnic conflicts; for reconciliation between the people’s of East and West, North and South; for global disarmament that the vast sums spent on weapons of destruction will instead feed the hungry and heal the sick of our one earth: we pray especially for the peoples of Ukraine, the Middle East and conflict-torn parts of Africa

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

May all who worship the God of many names learn to live in communion with the Earth and all its creatures, combat global warming, and challenge the culture of profit and wealth that is destroying our environment; for the protection of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon region and their great forests that are the Earth’s lungs and all suffering teh effects of climate change, especially in Eastern Africa

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

That all human hearts will be converted to compassion and love in the face of humanity’s struggles; for the millions of refugees and displaced people around the world, seeking safety, freedom and hope and in particular for the countless number of unaccompanied child refugees 

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

For a deeper commitment to Inter-Faith Dialogue, especially between Christianity, Islam and Judaism, in the pursuit of the Glory of God and the peace of the world … that our parish will play its part in building bridges of understanding between different Faith traditions here in the Inner City 

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

For all young people who have received their exam results … that they may use their gifts in the service of a Better World, and never value themselves or others by their successes or failures

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

We pray with faith and trust for the sick, the housebound and the depressed:  we pray especially for …
for those who have died recently, especially victims of war and terrorism
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

Mary, whose life points us to the Narrow Door of a great love, pray with us for the renewal and reform of the Church…

                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence

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