The disciples told how they recognised Him in the Breaking of Bread: May the Church always know deeply and love profoundly the Lord’s presence among us in the Eucharist, and proclaim to the world that He is Risen
[Reader] LORD, WE PRAY…
[response] BE RISEN AMONG US!
The Crucified and Risen One greeted His disciples and His world with the words, ’Peace be with you’: for the peace of our war-wounded world throughout the Middle East, but especially in Israel/Palestine, Yemen, Sudan the Congo, Mali and Cameroon; for all who walk paths of non-violence and reconciliation and may the repression of the people of Myanmar come to an end
[Reader] LORD, WE PRAY…
[response] BE RISEN AMONG US!
Peter said, ‘God raised Jesus from the dead and to that fact we are the witnesses’: we pray for our diocese of Clifton as we prepare to welcome Bishop-Elect Bosco MacDonald … may the Holy Spirit guide him with wisdom and courage as we journey to a different and more synodal future and discover new ways to witness to the Risen Christ by building a new way of being Church
[Reader] LORD, WE PRAY…
[response] BE RISEN AMONG US!
‘Touch me and see’ … that we might touch the despairing with hope, the broken with healing, the hardened with mercy, the impoverished with freedom, and so witness to the Risen Christ
[Reader] LORD, WE PRAY…
[response] BE RISEN AMONG US!
‘So slow to believe the full message of the scriptures’ … that our love and understanding of the Bible might grow; that the Word of God will always be our food, our joy and our constant inspiration; that our faith in the Living Word will deepen
[Reader] LORD, WE PRAY…
[response] BE RISEN AMONG US!
‘You are witnesses to this’ … that as a parish community, we will be faithful to the call and challenge to witness to the Love of Christ and the Life of the Spirit, creating moments of Resurrection in our Inner City
[Reader] LORD, WE PRAY…
[response] BE RISEN AMONG US!
‘See my wounded hands and my side’ … we pray God’s healing for the sick and anguished; we pray in particular for …
we pray eternal Resurrection for all who have died recently, especially … and the victims of the horrifying wars that scar our world at this time, as well as all who fleeing conflict and poverty have died on the refugee journey
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time …
[Reader] LORD, WE PRAY…
[response] BE RISEN AMONG US!
Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the Church, pray with us for our world
We pray in a moment of silent loving…