PRIEST: We celebrate today that Jesus is the Wisdom of God, and we should give everything for the rich treasure that He is. We celebrate also that Jesus has given His whole self for us whom he speaks of as the pearl of great price. Jesus challenges us to help others discover the treasure, to rediscover themselves as His pearl of great value. He challenges us to ‘give everything’ as the only way to open ourselves to the incomparable treasures of His love. What in reality do we give, what are we prepared to sacrifice … and more important what are we not prepared to sacrifice in order to be effective servants of the Gospel, bearers of the Kingdom to our world?
READER: For listening to other wisdoms
rather than live by the challenging wisdom of the Gospel
When we are prepared to sacrifice much for our ambitions,
but little for our faith or the mission of the Gospel
Because Christ gave everything, even life itself,
to gain us for His Father, and to give us New Life
PRIEST: May the God of Wisdom pardon us,
may Jesus who sacrificed himself for us be ever merciful,
may the Spirit fill us with the peace of forgiveness,
and bring us and all creation to the rich treasure of everlasting life