29th Sunday Year C

PRIEST: Jesus teaches us today about the need to continue praying – especially when nothing seems to be happening. Can we trust God even when God seems silent? when God seems uninvolved? Do we believe that God always listens to us … and with love? Or do we need God to be constantly reassuring us and doing our bidding? But God is far more urgent about bringing justice to the poor, the weak and the vulnerable than ever we are! If Justice is withheld, then don’t blame God! It is we who deprive the world of Justice. Let us repent …

READER:                  When we give up on prayer,
                                      when we lose heart and no longer believe God cares,
                                       Father forgive us…

                                                          LORD HAVE MERCY…

When we do not root our lives in the Truth of God in Scripture,
when our actions and thoughts are guided
                                       by the shallow fashions of the world
Jesus reconcile us…

                                                          CHRIST HAVE MERCY…

When we do not challenge and work for Justice for the poor,
when we do not defend the most vulnerable,
when we do not seek a more just world as urgently as God does
                                       Holy Spirit change us…

                                                          LORD HAVE MERCY…

PRIEST:         May the God Justice forgive our injustice;
                           May the God of intimacy have mercy on our shallow prayer;
                          May the God of the Weak fill us with Divine Urgency;
                                    and bring us all to everlasting life…

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