PRIEST: Today we gather with Mary and those first disciples, some 120 in number, as they prayed and waited in the Upper Room of their fears soon to be turned to hopes. We also like them have heard Jesus pray that we may all be one; we have heard Him entrust his mission to us; we like them know our own weakness and anxiety; and like them we too cry out for the empowering Spirit to come. Let us invite the Spirit who forgives and heals our many divisions to enter the dark shadows of our negativity and sin…
READER: When we are afraid to allow the energy of the Spirit
to burn freely in our lives;
when we are afraid of the Spirit’s mighty wind
blowing through our lives and our communities;
When we hurt the Spirit’s unity by our shallow love
and petty selfishness;
for every intolerance and dishonesty…
When we seek the Spirit’s consolation and healing,
but not Spirit’s energy for challenging mission;
when we ask for the Spirit’s gifts,
but not that we might become gift to another…
PRIEST: May the God whose breath is love – give us new life;
may the Saviour whose touch is healing – grant us mercy;
may the Spirit whose presence within is fire – burn us with love’s pain;
and bring us all to everlasting life…