PRIEST: Jesus asks each of us today: ‘Who do you say that I am?’ He leads the disciples on a Journey of Faith, and as they share with him and each other they begin to discover the depths of Jesus. They also have to come to terms that being His disciples means embracing the cross of suffering as He did. Only then can they proclaim Jesus to their world. On this Education Sunday let us reflect upon the ways we neglect to nourish our faith in Christ, share that faith with others and resist the cross of the world’s suffering…
READER: When we do not translate our faith into action for others;
when we do not live God’s option for the poor
For every abuse of power and authority in the Church,
When we do not root our way of acting and thinking
in the mind of Christ, in the love of Christ;
when our Church is a stumbling block to others meeting Christ
When we protect ourselves and our comfort
rather than risk living the radical love of the Gospel;
for all the things we cling to rather than to Jesus
PRIEST: May the life-giving God hold us in mercy…
The pain-bearing Jesus heal us with forgiveness…
The love-making Spirit reconcile us through compassion
and bring us and all the world to everlasting life…