PRIEST: Today we celebrate Jesus, the Light of God, who opens eyes that they may see; Jesus the Word who opens ears that they may hear; Jesus, the Good News who loosens tongues that they may speak; Jesus the Love of God, who opens hearts that they may wonder at the God of Love and the dignity of our humanity. Jesus cries out to us: ‘Be Opened’ – let us confess the many ways we are closed to Him, to one another and to our world …
READER: The deaf man’s ears were opened…
when we are deaf to God’s challenging Word to us,
when we are deaf to the cries of pain, hunger and despair
in our brothers and sisters
The dumb man’s tongue was loosened…
when we are afraid to speak out for human rights and dignity;
when we are slow to praise another’s goodness and gift
The Good News of healing and life was published widely…
when we are afraid to proclaim the Good News
to our neighbours, our street, our colleagues at work
PRIEST: May the God of mercy open our hearts to his pardon;
may the Saviour, our brother Jesus open our woundedness to his healing;
may the Holy Spirit open our lives to divine compassion;
and bring us all to everlasting life…