Peter is the Universal Pastor:  we pray for Pope Francis that listening with a compassionate love to all Christians in our search to live the Gospel in the modern world,  he will succeed in bringing renewal and reform to God’s Church – we pray especially that his Encyclical Letter ‘Laudato Si’ will call forth decisive action to care for our Earth and bring about ‘Global Healing’

                                            [reader]                      LORD,  WE PRAY…
                                            [response]                RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Paul was all things to all people in order to bring the Gospel to the nations:  we pray that our parish, the Churches of the Inner City and Christians everywhere may answer the challenge of a authentically New Evangelisation as we grow as a People in Communion for Mission

                                            [reader]                      LORD,  WE PRAY…
                                            [response]                RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Peter and Paul carried the Gospel of peace:  we pray for the freedom and peace of our world,  especially in the Cameroon, Mali, Myanmar and in Palestine-Israel, and wherever there is turmoil and conflicts – we pray in particular for the people of the Yemen and the Gulf Region – may we  all have the courage to build a world without war

                                            [reader]                      LORD,  WE PRAY…
                                            [response]                RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Peter served the unity of the Churches,  and Paul had the fire of a prophet:  we pray for the unity of all God’s people and that the Church will welcome the prophets who disturb us with the radical God of Jesus: we pray in particular for all those who go the margins and seek Justice for the poor, the excluded and for our refugee sisters and brothers

                                            [reader]                      LORD,  WE PRAY…
                                            [response]                RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Peter and Paul were set aside by God’s call for their work:  we pray that all our parish communities might embrace the challenges for Mission as Covid restrictions ease… that all might serve with a generous heart and preach the Word with courage and compassion and wash the feet of a broken  world with love and compassion

                                            [reader]                      LORD,  WE PRAY…
                                            [response]                RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Peter and Paul built up the Body of Christ in love: we pray that these Apostles will help us build a hospitable and healing Church that has the courage to touch the wounds of our world: we pray for the sick and hurting of body, mind and spirit, especially all suffering in body mind and spirit because of this pandemic;
For all who have died recently, especially because of the Coronavirus and in the many conflicts afflicting our world

                                            [reader]                      LORD,  WE PRAY…
                                            [response]                RENEW YOUR CHURCH IN LOVE

Mary, Mother of the Church,  pray with us for Bishop Declan and our whole Diocese of Clifton on this Feast of our Patron Saints…


We pray in a moment of silence for the unity of all God’s Church…

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