PRIEST: At the heart of this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, we listen to Christ call his disciples to follow him closely: to walk his path of unity and love, and become his light in a world darkened by oppression, injustice, conflict and divisions. Like Jonah before Him, His word is ‘Repent…’. And Paul tells us that this is the ‘kairos’ – the appointed time and God’s call is urgent! Sadly our disunity wounds and disempowers the Church’s Mission to the world; it casts shadows upon the Light of Christ shining through us: let us embrace the Lord’s forgiveness, that he may heal the wounds of division in His Body, the Church.
READER: For not having the courage to leave behind
our familiar and comfortable traditions and divisions,
for being afraid to adventure with risk to a new unity
For being impatient with our brothers and sisters of different traditions
for not welcoming them,
and not listening to them and receiving their gifts
When we do not seek to understand forms of thought,
of witness to the Gospel, of spirituality and prayer different from our own;
for not having the courage to blend love with the search for truth
PRIEST: May the God of perfect unity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
fill us with mercy, clothe us with forgiveness,
and empower us with reconciliation,
that together we may heal the Church
and build a world of unity and peace,
bringing all to everlasting life…