RICHARD:  Today we celebrate that God is the generous giver of so many gifts … He lavishes His Gifts upon us. But on this World Day of the Poor we recognise each gift is also a responsibility,  a call to action in the service of the Kingdom. We are given these gifts of the Spirit in order that we can become a Gift in the Spirit to our world. Not to use these gifts, to refuse to be creative, perpetuates injustice, damages our planet and its creatures, and inhibits our own growth and development.  Let us seek forgiveness that we may use God’s many gifts to extend God’s Kingdom of Freedom and Justice among us.

READER:           For the ways we deny God’s gifts,
                                 refuse to use them in the service of God and His world

                                                          LORD HAVE MERCY …

                                 When we fail to be alert to God’s challenge,
                                 when we resent God’s giftedness in others,
when we refuse to recognise and accept others’ gifts
                                 when we deny growth in ministry to each other, especially women

                                                          CHRIST HAVE MERCY …

                                When we do not hear the cries of the poor and the oppressed,
                                when we pass by on the other side,
                                when we allow the size of the problem to paralyse us,
rather than deepen our faith and energise our response

                                                          LORD HAVE MERCY …

RICHARD:         May God the Giver of all Good Gifts
                                     lavish his mercy upon us,
                                         set us free to serve and build peace,
                                                and gift us with forgiveness,
                                bringing us all to everlasting life


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