PRIEST: We gather today to celebrate Resurrection, and like the Emmaus disciples have a story to tell. But our story is our experience of Jesus in the Church and in the broken bread of Word and Eucharist. So at this moment in the Church’s story, we once again recognise Him in the Breaking of Bread. Whenever the Bread of Friendship, Bread of Love, Bread of Justice is broken and shared, He is Risen and among us. Let us seek forgiveness when our love is too shallow to recognise Him with us.
READER: When we fail to stand alongside each other in the painful days,
and our eyes are closed to the Christ in each other
When we do not value the Eucharist,
when we neglect the Word of God in the Bible,
and so limit our understanding and love of Him
When we are so slow to bear witness before others to our Risen Christ;
when we hide our faith from others’ gaze
and do not invite them to eat of the Broken Bread of Life
PRIEST: May the God of all compassion
who stands with us in our every grief of sin
bring us peace and mercy,
and open our eyes to know that we are forgiven and reconciled
in the power of the Risen Christ,
who brings us and all creation to everlasting life…