PRIEST: Jesus comes among us, to offer the Water of New Life to all the peoples of the world. He calls us to drink deeply of His Spirit and come to a new beginning. As with the Samaritan woman of today’s Gospel, so with us – Jesus knows us through and through! Being the Face of the Father’s mercy He reaches out to the most excluded and scorned! Sadly the LGBT+ community is too often the victim of such treatment. However we can all treat others with rejection with words and actions that wound and condemn! Let us all with honesty recognise when we judge and so exclude others from our hearts. Let us bring our need for repentance and forgiveness to Him, and then drink of His mercy and His Spirit.
READER: When we take God’s presence and love for us so much for granted,
neglect to pray, to drink from His well…
When we neglect the mission of Christ locally or globally,
when we reject others rather than offer the water of the Holy Spirit
to those around us thirsting for meaning and healing in their lives…
When we do not want to know God’s will for us,
when we will not recognise God’s love and acceptance of those we want to reject
when we will not allow our plans to be disturbed by another’s need…
PRIEST: May the all-loving Father draw us to himself,
May His Redeeming Son, our brother Jesus, give us to drink of His mercy,
May the Holy Spirit be water of Life to forgive, cleanse and heal us,
and may we all come to everlasting life…