PRIEST: In today’s celebration, we behold the Glory of God, the glory that each of us carries deep within our being. For we are all created in God’s image and likeness. And the Glory of God is humanity fully alive. Transfiguration is only complete when we have transformed our world from war and injustice into the glory of equality, justice and peace among all the peoples of the earth. Transfiguration means healing our planet, challenging modern slavery and raising up the poor. Such a transformation will demand we truly listen to Him – God’s Word made flesh – and act! Like Abraham did when God called him to leave his security and risk a new future. What will we risk for God? Let us now turn in confidence to God that he may be merciful to us.
READER: For the times when God challenges us to profound faith as he challenged Abraham,
and we refuse to follow him, to obey him, to trust him
For the times when the demands of our faith seem too much
and we avoid the hardships of deeper commitment;
for the times we do not trust that God is on our side,
full of mercy towards us
For the times we have not reverenced or believed in ourselves or each other,
and we have failed to transfigure our world
in the power of His love within us
PRIEST: May God our Father speak his words of forgiveness and mercy to our hearts;
May the Transfigured Christ transform the darkness of our sin into the glory of His love;
May the Holy Spirit be the light of justice, healing and compassion in our hearts,
and bring us to everlasting life…