PRIEST: Today we hear how David refuses to give way to vengeance on King Saul; St Paul tells us to become more and more like Jesus, the heavenly man; and Jesus himself confronts us with the foolishness of God! He challenges us to love our enemies, to return blessing for a curse. He urges us to share the very compassion of God with a generous and giving heart. It is foolish talk, unrealistic idealism for the world … Is it the same for us? Or have we the courage to live the foolish generosity of God here and now?
READER: Jesus says: ‘Love your enemies’ …
when we hold onto grudges,
past hurts, and meaningless animosities
Jesus says: ‘Give to everyone who asks you’ …
for meanness of heart and pocket, for lack of generosity
with our time, our energy and our caring
Jesus says: ‘Be compassionate – do not judge’ …
when we ignore or make ourselves blind to the suffering of others,
because it will cost too much;
for being judgemental rather than forgiving and understanding
PRIEST: May the compassionate Father embrace us;
may Jesus who died for love of his enemies and ours forgive us;
may the Spirit given so generously empower us to be
servants of reconciliation and peace;
and bring all the world to everlasting life…