Thirty-Second Sunday of Year C

That the People of God will witness to the reality of eternity and proclaim Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life, for all the world to know and so come to New Life 

                              [READER]              GOD OF THE LIVING…
                              [Response]            May we serve Life!

In a world so readily dedicated to the Culture of Death through war and destructive greed, we cry out in the name of the Gospel of Life for peace and an equal sharing of the Earth’s resources: we pray urgently for peace in Ukraine, throughout the Middle East and Cameroon and Mali

                              [READER]              GOD OF THE LIVING…
                              [Response]            May we serve Life!

For persecuted Christians everywhere but especially in Pakistan, and China; that they might find in Christ and in the support of their Christian brothers and sisters the courage to stand their ground for Faith, Justice and Love before all the powers that oppress and destroy; we pray too for for Uighar and Rohinga Muslims and all who are persecuted because of belief, race, gender or sexuality

                              [READER]              GOD OF THE LIVING…
                              [Response]            May we serve Life!

For all married people, especially members of St Nicks who have recently married, that they might continue to discover each other and grow everyday in love; for those couples who cannot have children that they might discover other ways of being life-giving and find in Christ the healing they need; for children who do not have a secure family in which to grow and develop whole – may they soon find the adoptive home they crave;

                              [READER]              GOD OF THE LIVING…
                              [Response]            May we serve Life!

For the COP 27 Climate Conference gathering today in Egypt: may the political and business leader have the courage to make real and decisive decisions and actions to heal our planet and save future generations … before it is too late 

                              [READER]              GOD OF THE LIVING…
                              [Response]            May we serve Life!

We pray for all who bear the hardships of illness and depression, and for all who care for them; we pray for those suffering from the wounds of war, conflict and famine and the work of Medecins Frontier;  for …
for those who have died recently,  in particular, …, and those killed in war and violence
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …; and for all the Faithful Departed 

                              [READER]              GOD OF THE LIVING…
                              [Response]            May we serve Life!

Mary, Raised into heaven to share the Resurrection of your Son, pray with us for our children baptised in Christ to New Life today

                                                                 HAIL MARY

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

Thirty-First Sunday Year C

That Christians everywhere will offer to all the peoples the invitation of Jesus to find salvation, forgiveness and peace by welcoming His love into their hearts and making a place in their lives for mercy and justice

                             [READER]           LORD WE PRAY…
                             [Response]        Speak mercy to every heart

The Book of Wisdom says ‘You are merciful to all … you love all that exists’: that peace might replace war in Ukraine, Yemen and Syria, in Cameroon and Mali; that leaders everywhere might combat the horror of human trafficking and end this exploitation of the poor and vulnerable

                             [READER]           LORD WE PRAY…
                             [Response]        Speak mercy to every heart

Zacchaeus restored fourfold to all whom he had cheated – that the Global Zacchaeus of the rich minority world might be converted to the cries of the poor majority world and restore justice and eradicate poverty and so lead us along the pathways of peace

                             [READER]           LORD WE PRAY…
                             [Response]        Speak mercy to every heart

For our children welcomed as Catechumens today, for all engaged in the work of safeguarding our children and the vulnerable of our society: for social workers, health workers and the police, for those working within the Church to rectify the scandalous errors of the past; for more compassionate care for the elderly and disadvantaged of our nation in the midst of our NHS and Social Care crisis 

                               [READER]           LORD WE PRAY…
                               [Response]        Speak mercy to every heart

Wisdom says, ‘Little by little you correct those who offend’ …may our government and all governments heed the warnings of the United Nations, repent the abuse of our planet and its creatures and finally embrace the challenge to halt Global Warming as the greatest crisis facing humanity and all God’s creatures of the Earth – we pray for COP 27 in Egypt

                             [READER]           LORD WE PRAY…
                             [Response]        Speak mercy to every heart

We pray for all who bear the hardships of illness and depression, and for all who care for them; we pray especially for … 
for those who have died recently, in particular …, and all who perished in the storm in the Philippines and all killed because of knife crime, famine, conflict and war
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: … 

                             [READER]           LORD WE PRAY…
                             [Response]        Speak mercy to every heart

Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray with us for all who minister healing in our community…

                                                                HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

Thirtieth Sunday of Year C (World Mission Sunday)

That the Church will throw wide open the gates of God’s Mercy for all peoples, and serve reconciliation and peace in a our conflict ridden world 

                                  [reader]        GOD OF ALL NATIONS…
                                   [response]   MAKE US ONE WORLD, ONE FAMILY

For the conversion of many hearts and minds so that peace might replace war in Ukraine, Syria, and Yemen, and in Cameroon, Mali and Central Africa; that justice might reign for the poor and oppressed everywhere; that our taxes be used for peace and healing not for war and destruction, for equality and not for the wealth of the few

                                  [reader]        GOD OF ALL NATIONS…

For God’s wisdom for our national politicians in the current political turmoil; for a government with integrity that will listen to the cries of the poor and the cries of the earth and so serve the Common Good

                                  [reader]        GOD OF ALL NATIONS…

That we might place the mission of Christ before all else, giving time, energy, prayer and money to the work of Gospel with a generous heart – that all who are part of our Journey of Faith group will come to know Christ more deeply and find fulfilment in proclaiming Him to the world

                                  [reader]        GOD OF ALL NATIONS…

For all who today are part of the communion of outcasts on our streets and who like the Tax Collector of today’s Gospel are trapped in a twilight world of corruption, exploitation and addiction, that they might the way to freedom through mercy and healing

                                  [reader]        GOD OF ALL NATIONS…

For the families of our parish that they might encourage a feel for the mission of Christ and lead our children and young people to serve the Kingdom with a loving heart: for the many nationalities and cultures of our parish community that we will build a truly One World Parish; we pray God’s blessing upon Kenneth and Eneyi as they grow together in loving union 

                                  [reader]        GOD OF ALL NATIONS…

We pray for all who bear the hardships of illness and depression, and for all who care for them; we pray especially for … 
for those who have died recently, in particular …, and the victims of the flooding in Nigeria, the famine in East Africa andn the war in Ukraine
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: … 

                                  [reader]        GOD OF ALL NATIONS…

Mary, Mother of Mercy and Prophet of the Mission of Christ, pray with us that we might know the joy of a humble and grateful heart…
                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

29th Sunday of the Year C

That the People of God everywhere will be steadfast in prayer and Mission, holding up the weary arms of believers until Justice is truly done for the oppressed and vulnerable of the world   

                                 [READER]       LORD WE ASK.. 
                                 [Response]     Teach us to pray, teach us to serve

For all who administer justice: judges, magistrates, solicitors; that they might be guided by right judgement and real compassion for the poor, so that the impoverished might know true justice; for all involved in the Home Office and Immigration Tribunals that those seeking asylum will truly be heard and safety be granted: we pray especially for all unjustly help in Detention Centre and for the thousands of unaccompanied child refugees in Europe

                                 [READER]       LORD WE ASK.. 
                                 [Response]     Teach us to pray, teach us to serve

For our government in this economic and political crisis and for all Members of Parliament that they will all listen to the cries of the poor and disadvantaged, be guided by the wisdom of the Spirit and serve the Common Good


For peace in our conflict-torn world, especially in Ukraine, Cameroon, Mali, Syria and the Yemen, for the girls and women of Iran as they risk protesting for justice and freedom; and for courageous peace-makers everywhere


                                 [READER]       LORD WE ASK.. 
                                 [Response]     Teach us to pray, teach us to serve

For all contemplative communities as their prayer in the heart of the Church supports world-wide mission and holds up our weary hands: that the Body of Christ might continue faithfully to proclaim the Good News to the Poor and heal the wounds of the world

                                 [READER]       LORD WE ASK.. 
                                 [Response]     Teach us to pray, teach us to serve

That true justice may come for all who feel oppressed by the Church and its condemnations of diverse sexual identities and orientations, that these our friends in the Body of Christ will come to know the fulness of the Freedom of the beloved Children of God 

                                 [READER]       LORD WE ASK.. 
                                 [Response]     Teach us to pray, teach us to serve

We pray for all who bear the hardships of illness and depression, and for all who care for them; we pray in particular for all who have wounded in body and mind by hate crime, especially members of the LBGT+ community; and for …
for those who have died recently, especially… and those killed in the mining disaster in Turkey  and all who have died the victims of injustice, poverty and war
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time:

                                 [READER]       LORD WE ASK.. 
                                 [Response]     Teach us to pray, teach us to serve

  Mary, Woman of Prayer, Seat of Wisdom and Prophet of Justice, pray with us and for us…

                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

Twenty-Eighth Sunday Year C

That God’s People in every land and culture will be faithful to the call of Christ to be a healing community that welcomes the broken and the excluded, revealing the merciful face of the Father; that the Church will truly listen to the Word God is speaking through both St John Henry Newman, commemorated today and St Charles de Foucauld

                                                       GOD OF THE EXCLUDED…
                         [response]     GATHER YOUR SCATTERED PEOPLE

For those excluded from a just sharing of the Earth’s resources, for those who are victims of fear and discrimination, for those suffering from HIV/AIDS, for those fleeing war and poverty in order to build new lives in a new land – may we build a world that cares and welcomes – we pray especially for audacious guidance of the Holy Spirit for the Pan-Amazon Synod in Rome at this time

                                                       GOD OF THE EXCLUDED…
                         [response]     GATHER YOUR SCATTERED PEOPLE

For those who leave their own families, nations and cultures to cross boundaries and frontiers to bring healing and hope to those with little access to health care;  for all medical staff in war zones; for all who risk their very lives to be Good News to the Poor and Prophets of Justice:

                                                       GOD OF THE EXCLUDED…
                         [response]     GATHER YOUR SCATTERED PEOPLE

For the healing ministry of our parish community, that we will develop as a community that listens, that holds, that heals and that includes all without reservation: that we will always seek to be ‘God’s Field Hospital’ for all peoples and faiths

                                                       GOD OF THE EXCLUDED…
                         [response]     GATHER YOUR SCATTERED PEOPLE

As we reflect today on the life and witness of St Charles de Foucauld who dedicated himself to be Love’s presence among our Muslim brothers and sisters, we pray for peace and reconciliation between all faiths, especially in the Middle East and Africa, as well as our own city

                                                       GOD OF THE EXCLUDED…
                         [response]     GATHER YOUR SCATTERED PEOPLE

For all who suffer from leprosy and for all who care for them; for the sick and housebound that they might know that they share in the mission of the Church; we pray in particular for …. ;
for those who have died recently: especially those killed in the school shootings in Indonesia, the explosion in Donegal  and the victims of the war and terrorism across the world
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                                                       GOD OF THE EXCLUDED…
                         [response]     GATHER YOUR SCATTERED PEOPLE

Mary, Servant of healing for the poor and the excluded, help us renew the Church in healing love…


We pray for other needs in a moment of silence…


For Christians everywhere, that all might hear the call to deeper discipleship, model their lives upon the life and love of Jesus Christ, and choose each day to shoulder with Christ the Cross of humanity’s suffering and walk His Way of Love

                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…           
                      [Response]           Teach us to walk Your Way

For a world where slavery still exists: for all the victims of human trafficking and modern slavery, for all children deprived of their childhood by the rigours and harsh employment or sexually exploited, and for those forced into war as child soldiers

                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…           
                      [Response]           Teach us to walk Your Way

In this ‘Season of Creation’, may we recognise that we cannot be disciples of Jesus in this 21st century if we do not care for our common home, our beautiful planet and its eco-systems, listening to the ‘cries of the Poor and the cries of the Earth … and in listening act with courage and change our ways  

                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…           
                      [Response]           Teach us to walk Your Way

For the wisdom of the Spirit to guide our parish communities as Pope Francis leads the Church in reform and renewal through the Global Synod, that we will not cling to the past, but embrace a new future of mission and witness to the Living Christ who calls, heals and saves

                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…           
                      [Response]           Teach us to walk Your Way

For our children as they return to school to begin a new school year, for those who begin in new schools or at University, for our teachers and staff – above all may they and we learn to follow Christ with love and in the midst of the cost of living crisis, build a world of justice and of peace  

                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…           
                      [Response]           Teach us to walk Your Way

For all involved in our National Health Service as it struggles to cope with demand at this time; for those made ill by food and fuel poverty; for the millions of our sisters and brothers suffering from flooding in Pakistan and drought in the Horn of Africa; and for …
for those who have died recently, especially all killed because of extreme weather conditions and the many wars and conflicts in our world
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time in particular… 

                      [READER]              LORD WE PRAY…           
                      [Response]           Teach us to walk Your Way

   Mary, seat of wisdom and first and greatest disciple, pray with us…

Let us pray in a moment of silence…

21st Sunday of the Year C

That the People of God will walk with Christ through the ‘Narrow Door’ of God’s radical and universal love and so guide the Nations along the Way that leads to Life and Freedom:

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

For our world wounded by terrorism and divided by war and ethnic conflicts; for reconciliation between the people’s of East and West, North and South; for global disarmament that the vast sums spent on weapons of destruction will instead feed the hungry and heal the sick of our one earth: we pray especially for the peoples of Ukraine, the Middle East and conflict-torn parts of Africa

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

May all who worship the God of many names learn to live in communion with the Earth and all its creatures, combat global warming, and challenge the culture of profit and wealth that is destroying our environment; for the protection of the indigenous peoples of the Amazon region and their great forests that are the Earth’s lungs and all suffering teh effects of climate change, especially in Eastern Africa

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

That all human hearts will be converted to compassion and love in the face of humanity’s struggles; for the millions of refugees and displaced people around the world, seeking safety, freedom and hope and in particular for the countless number of unaccompanied child refugees 

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

For a deeper commitment to Inter-Faith Dialogue, especially between Christianity, Islam and Judaism, in the pursuit of the Glory of God and the peace of the world … that our parish will play its part in building bridges of understanding between different Faith traditions here in the Inner City 

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

For all young people who have received their exam results … that they may use their gifts in the service of a Better World, and never value themselves or others by their successes or failures

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

We pray with faith and trust for the sick, the housebound and the depressed:  we pray especially for …
for those who have died recently, especially victims of war and terrorism
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                       [READER]                 LORD, LEAD US WE PRAY…
                       [RESPONSE]          THROUGH THE NARROW DOOR OF ENDLESS LOVE!

Mary, whose life points us to the Narrow Door of a great love, pray with us for the renewal and reform of the Church…

                                                             HAIL MARY…

Let us pray for other needs in a moment of silence


Jesus is Bread of Life … that the People of the Eucharist may give life and love to the world,  becoming God’s broken bread given to nurutre a New World

                [READER]     LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]     AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is Bread, Fruit of the Earth … that the People of the Eucharist might always value creation, protect our environment, bring peace to peoples, especially in the Ukraine, Middle East, Mali, Cameroon, the Tigray region of Ethiopia and Mali, and work for humanity’s harmony with all creation

                [READER]     LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]     AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is Bread of the Poor … that the People of the Eucharist will always share bread and freedom with the poorest of our world, especially beloved of God – for the work of our ‘St Nicholas Bread’, our parish Foodbank locally and the mission of CAFOD globally

                [READER]     LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]     AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is the Cup of Love … that the People of the Eucharist will grow in prayer,  develop in community, share in relationships that give life and offer healing: we pray especially for Carol and Philip as they renew their vows on their Silver Wedding today

                [READER]     LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]     AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is the Cup of suffering … that the People of the Eucharist will listen with love to life’s wounded, stand with courage among the despised, the rejected and the outcast, especially migrants fleeing war, terror and poverty; that we will exclude no-one from the love of Christ in the Eucharist

                [READER]     LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]     AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is the Cup of Redeeming Blood … that the People of the Eucharist might sacrifice in order to be a community of forgiveness, a living parable of reconciliation and a wellspring of healing: we pray peace and cohesion in our diverse multi-cultural nation, and an equal sharing of health care resources between rich and poor nations

                [READER]     LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]     AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Jesus is Bread of Eternal Life, Cup of everlasting joy .. that the sick be healed and all health-care workers strengthened and supported;
That the dead be raised to eternal life: in particular … and all killed in war and conflict around the world;
for all whose anniversaries occur at this time

                [READER]     LORD, GIVE US THAT BREAD…
                [response]     AND FEED YOUR PEOPLE…

Mary, bearer of Christ,  lead to a deeper love our children preparing to met Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time…

                                           HAIL MARY…

We pray in a moment of silence…


God speaks His Word to all the world and calls us to Unity:  that the Church will use all modern means of Mass Communication and social media to foster deeper unity and love between the Churches and in the world, and so proclaim  the Good News to all our world

                                   [reader:]          HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

Jesus,  the Truth, is Good News to the Poor:  that the new Technologies of Communication might bring home to all the truth about poverty, the injustice of inequality and discrimination and the horror of war;  and constantly challenge us to act with courage to bring peace and justice to our world – we pray especially for the peoples of Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, Mali and Cameroon

                                   [reader:]          HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

The Holy Spirit is the divine communication of love:  that today’s instant communication by radio, TV and the Internet might improve our inter-personal communication,  and bring peoples, nations and races together in mutual understanding in the service of peace, justice and the healing of our planet

                                   [reader:]          HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

The Church is challenged to be the Living Word of God’s life-giving love:  that our parish and the whole Church will answer Jesus’ prayer in today’s Gospel and by our unity in Christ and rootedness in God offer the world a more convincing witness to the Good News of New Life   

                                   [reader:]          HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

The disciples wait in the Upper Room of Hope and Expectation for the coming of the Spirit’s Energy and loving power:  we pray for all the young people of our parish; may we all use wisely the tools of modern communication technology without becoming addicted to them; and may all of us this Pentecost welcome the Spirit’s renewal of our lives and community, opening ourselves to Gifts of Mission and Ministry

                                   [reader:]          HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

That our sick and housebound might experience being listened to, embraced in the communion of our love and know they are not alone but one with us: we pray especially for …
for those who have died recently, especially …, the victims of yet another mass shooting of school children in Texas and all killed by war and violence
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time: … all who died of Covid, and the victims of the Rwandan Genocide

                                   [reader:]          HOLY SPIRIT COME…
                                   [response:]    SPEAK GOD’S LOVE TO US…

Mary of the Upper Room, pray with us for the Renewing Gift of the Spirit and for the children and families preparing for Baptism…

                                                               HAIL MARY…


Thomas remained in doubt until he returned to the community of faith:  for the unity of all God’s Church,  that together we will offer to an unbelieving world a convincing sign of faith, proclaiming the Risen Lord of the Church

                            [reader]          JESUS IS RISEN…
                            [response:]   HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Thomas saw and he believed:  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot see;  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot hope;  for a world that cannot believe because they cannot trust – that Christians everywhere and in our Parish will draw many to a renewed faith in the Risen Christ

                            [reader]          JESUS IS RISEN…
                            [response:]   HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Jesus’ wounds were healing for broken disciples:  may we have the courage to face our own brokenness,  walk with others in their brokenness with an unconditional love,  and allow miracles of healing to flow from our community: we pray especially for our refugee and LBGT friends, that the pain of rejection and judgement may be soon healed

                            [reader]          JESUS IS RISEN…
                            [response:]   HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Jesus sent his disciples to touch the wounds of the world, forgiving and reconciling:  that the Church of God will challenge the madness of knife and gun crimes in our cities and towns; will challenge war and terrorism, creating peace and miracles of new beginnings, especially in Ukraine, Ethiopia and Tigray, throughout the Middle East and conflict torn parts of Africa; for all communities of Reconciliation – Corrymeela in Northern Ireland; Taizé in France; Pax Christi throughout the world; may we all be living parables of reconciliation

                            [reader]          JESUS IS RISEN…
                            [response:]   HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Jesus speaks the Easter ‘Peace’:  may we always serve peace in our fractured world:  serve healing for every distressed heart and wounded mind especially those traumatised by refugee journeys; for peace, harmony and justice in the streets and homes of our City of Bristol

                            [reader]          JESUS IS RISEN…
                            [response:]   HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Jesus comes among them and heals:  for the sick of body and mind, and for all who are darkened by depression; we pray in particular for all suffering the trauma and scars of war’s brutality; and for …
May Risen Lord share His Resurrection with all who have died recently, especially…, the victims of Covid-19 and all killed in war and conflict
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: … Prince Philip, Fr Hans Kung

                            [reader]          JESUS IS RISEN…
                            [response:]   HE IS TRULY RISEN!

Mary,  sharing most fully the Resurrection of Jesus, pray with us and for us…

Let us pray in a moment of the silence of peace…