Feast of All Saints

On this Feast of Holiness,  may all God’s People respond to the Second Vatican Council’s ‘Universal Call to Holiness’, seek the face of God,  love with the heart of God,  touch the world with the compassionate mercy of God,  and challenge the world with the justice of God

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On this Feast of Humanity, may the Spirit who moves where she wills, raise up people of courage and humanity among world leaders,  politicians and opinion makers,  to lead our world to heal our planet, build equality of resources for all the peoples, bring justice to poor of the Earth; may the G20 Summit and the UN COP26 conference lead to a new vision of global co-operation and friendship, a safer planet and a healed global environment

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On this Feast of the Saints,  we pray for the children and young people of our parish family – that they might be inspired by the adventure of holiness and mission, open their hearts to the Spirit’s many gifts and find their joy in serving Christ: we pray especially for the children and adults baptised and confirmed this past year

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On the Feast of Wholeness,  we pray that as a parish family we will support and encourage one another to grow in all ways into Christ,  helping each other to deepen our prayer,  enlarge our loving,  find more courage in our witness and service

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On this Feast of unknown and unnamed sisters and brothers who have greatly loved,  we pray that we will accept our responsibility to serve the Kingdom, to bear witness to the values of the Gospel, live in communion with creation and proclaim Jesus to the people of the Inner City by the quality of our lives and the endurance of our love as well as by the power of our words

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

On the Feast that celebrates all that is holy and whole,  we ask God’s guidance that the Healing Ministry might develop in our parish family and in our diocese, especially in response to the Covid pandemic; we pray for the sick and housebound and all who care for them and those who serve them with the Eucharist; and especially for …
eternal life for all who have died recently, especially for …, all victims of Covid and those killed violently;
and for all whose anniversaries are at this time: …

                         [reader]               COME SPIRIT OF GOD…
                         [response]         MAKE US HOLY AND WHOLE…

Mary,  most holy and whole,  Mother of all the Saints, pray for us … 


We pray in silence for one another as we walk the path of holiness together…

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