‘Well done Good and faithful Servant’, says the Lord: we pray for the whole Church on this World Day of the Poor – may all Christians use the gifts of the Spirit to build  a world of justice where the pained cries of the poor will be heard and change our priorities

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘You are all sons of the Light and daughters of the Day’:  may governments and peoples unite to draw the poor of the world  out of the darkness of poverty and oppression into a New Day of hope and equality – may our children no longer die without clean water and adequate education and health care

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘This is the fast that pleases me, says the Lord – to break the unjust fetter’ : we pray for the people of Hong Kong, Zimbabwe and many other countries in their struggles for freedom from oppressive regimes – may they see the dawn of a new beginning for their nations

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘Sir, you have entrusted us with talents and gifts…’ – may the world wake up to the human tragedy of over 73 million refugees, the horror of human trafficking and modern forms of slavery: may the gifts and talents of our asylum and refugee brothers and sisters be recognised and reverenced so that they can be free to offer our nation their skills

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘Shelter the homeless poor…’ – we ask God’s Spirit guide wisely the Bristol Churches Winter Night Shelter during this Pandemic: may the Christians of our city serve with generosity and humility all who are deprived of home and warmth and may our City commit to housing all our people

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘Grow your gifts and use them for the Kingdom’:  we pray for the people of Honduras and Central America, devastated by the recent hurricane, and for all the poor of our world who suffer most from the effects of Global warming

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

‘We do  not belong to the night or to darkness’: may our parish community grow more as a beacon of light and hope among the poor, excluded and despairing of our city

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

In a world of unequal health-care, we pray for the sick who receive little or no health-care; and for …;
For those who have died recently, especially all victims of Covid-19, terrorism and war including refugees who have perished fleeing to freedom;
for all the faithful departed for whom we pray in November, for Richard McKay snr and those whose anniversaries occur at this time:

                                                           Lord, You hear the cries of the Poor…
                     (response)             May we hear them too!

Mary, Mother of the Poor pray with us for a more just and equal world  

                                                            HAIL MARY…

We pray for other needs in a moment of silence…

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