The Transfigured Christ reveals to the company of the disciples  the Glory of God within each of us:  may the Church reveal to the world the glory of God’s love by our courage to love, to care and to struggle for justice…

                                                   LORD WE PRAY…
[response]     SHOW US YOUR GLORY!

The Glory of God is humanity fully alive:  for all whose dignity is denied by war and violence, obscured by poverty and famine;  for all whose dignity is assaulted by oppression and torture and then further eroded by our asylum laws;  for all whose dignity is assaulted by addiction and abuse: we pray especially for the peoples of Syria, Yemen and Cameroon and the  refugees struggling to find freedom and hope

                                                   LORD WE PRAY…

The disciples gazed upon Jesus’ glory and listened to the voice of Truth:  that the work of CAFOD throughout the world might bring more truth and integrity,  more accountability and sharing of power,  more hope and opportunity for the poor and those who live on the margins: may we all take those steps needed to heal our planet and cherish our environment

                                                   LORD WE PRAY…

After the Glory passed,  they saw only Jesus:  may this Lent, preparing as we are to renew our commitment to the Easter Christ, deepen our love for the great gift of Jesus in the Eucharist, and lead us to profound conversion to Jesus; we pray also for all medical staff and others who are combatting the Coronavirus epidemic

                                                   LORD WE PRAY…

As Abraham was called to leave all for an unknown future in an unseen land with an unknown God,  may each of us answer God’s call to repentance this Lent,  leave behind us all that hinders our growth in love, and commit ourselves afresh to the joy of serving God’s Kingdom

                                                   LORD WE PRAY…

They were covered with shadow:  may all who are overshadowed with pain and sickness find healing,  especially all suffering from the Coronavirus, in particular the most vulnerable among us; and …
we pray eternal life for all who have died recently, especially … and those who have died of war, conflict, on the refugee journey and victims of the Coronavirus;
and for those whose anniversaries are at this time …

                              LORD WE PRAY…

Mary, first and most faithful disciple of Jesus, inspire and empower your sisters on this World Women’s Day

                              HAIL MARY…

Let us pray in silence for all with whom we share through CAFOD Lenten Fast Day

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