PRIEST:     On this Racial Justice Sunday, we rejoice in the rich diversity of the human family. Jesus challenges each of us to be His salt transforming life and the earth;  to be Light burning with His love before all the world; He challenges us as Church to  be a community truly inclusive of all people and a community of constant mission: the City on the hill that cannot be hid. Yet Jesus is the true light; He gives us the taste of God’s goodness; He is raised up for all the world to see. He calls us to be the Light of Justice and the Salt of Love. Let us recognise the ways our lives do not offer the world the taste of God, the ways we obscure His Light and hide His Truth:  ways we do not burn with the flame of his loving. Let ur repent of all discrimination, racism and tribalism that can lurk in our own hearts…

READER:     When we do not salt our lives and our earth with prayer and faith
with understanding and healing compassion…

                                                 LORD HAVE MERCY …

                          When we do not light up our world with Truth that heals and liberates,
with our struggle against racism and for justice,
                           with our courage in creating peace…

                                                 CHRIST HAVE MERCY …

                           When as a Church we discriminate and exclude;
for our failures to love, to forgive, to care
that hides the City of God in the dark valleys of our sin…

                                                 LORD HAVE MERCY …

PRIEST:      May God salt our lives with forgiving compassion;
                        May Jesus burn into our hearts with purifying light of healing love;
                        May the Spirit transform our darkness into holiness
                        and bring us all to everlasting life…


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